Simulador de oficina

Guia de controles do simulador de oficina

This guide will be showing you the complete list of Workshop Simulator controls using the keyboard/mouse and gamepad controllers. If you’re one of the players of this new simulation video game from Intermarum, we are hoping that this controls guide will help you out through the game.

Workshop Simulator Controls

Here are the default Workshop Simulator key bindings and shortcuts.

Em geral
Siga em frenteC
Mover para trásS
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Mover para a direitaD
Andar / CorreMudança
Menu de PausaEsc
Use 1st Tool1
Use 2nd Tool2
Use 3rd Tool3
Use 4th Tool4
Change TrayT
Select Item PartBarra de espaço
Girar Item / Papel (Aguarde)Botão direito do mouse
Vire à esquerdaUMA
Vire à direitaD
Girar para cimaC
Girar para baixoS
Reset RotationC
Workshop Simulator Controls for PC

And here are the default controls while playing Workshop Simulator using gamepad controllers.

Girar para baixoLIBRA
Mover para a direitaRB
Reduzir o zoomLT
Mais ZoomLIBRA
MovimentoStick analógico esquerdo
Change TrayY
Leaving InteractionB
Highlight Partx
Câmera / CursorAnalógico Direito
Use 1st Tool – 4th ToolTeclado direcional
Workshop Simulator Gamepad Controls

You can also refer to the in-game gamepad controls screenshots below:

E aí está! Did we miss any key controls for Workshop Simulator? Please let us know in the comments. For players who are currently experiencing crashing issues while playing the game, sinta-se livre para verificar o nosso Workshop Simulator troubleshooting guide.

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