Yacht Mechanic Simulator

Yacht Mechanic Simulator Controls and Shortcuts Guide

PlayWay is one of the publishers known for its simulator video games. One of the newest titles this 2022 from them is Yacht Mechanic Simulator, where you will be playing as a yacht mechanic.

There are lots of actions and activities in the game, which is why you should equip yourself with the basic knowledge of the game. neste guia, we will show you the complete Yacht Mechanic Simulator controls to help you get started.

Yacht Mechanic Simulator Controls

The following are the default Yacht Mechanic Simulator key bindings and shortcuts. Note that you can rebind these default controls in the settings section of the game.

Ande em frenteC
Andar para trásS
Strafe direitaD
Strafe EsquerdaUMA
CorridaDesvio à esquerda
Pie MenuAlt Esquerda
InspecionarBarra de espaço
InspecionarCtrl esquerdo
Toggle ObjectivesO
Mechanic VisionV
Pump Jet RightE
Pump Jet LeftQ
Câmera 11
Câmera 22
Finish TestingR
Menu de PausaEsc
Yacht Mechanic Simulator Controls

Além do suporte para teclado e mouse, the game also has partial controller support. This means that you can also play the game using a gamepad controller. No entanto, some of the actions listed above may not be available when using a controller due to the limited number of buttons.

This concludes our Yacht Mechanic Simulator controls. In case we missed any important Yacht Mechanic Simulator key controls, por favor, não hesite em nos informar.

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