
You’re Under Arrest! Conquista – Boodunnit

Vocês’re under arrest!
When possessing a cop, try to talk to vincent

How to Unlock Youre under arrest! Conquista

As much as I know, Vincent is the dude who sits in the air vent on the end of the town level. O problema é, that talking with him as a cop, não´t make much. If you talk with him as another town member, you can accuse him of being at a crime scene earlier but that´s really all.

The only progress I have reached so far is that when I talked with him as an elderly man (who you can also see in the picture below) and then as a police officer, his air-vent-thing moved a little bit. But once again, that might be just a bug.

Guia por Aggdy Fehg.

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Sobre o autor

Earl é um daqueles jogadores que jogará quase todos os jogos novos. Mas ele prefere jogar FPS e jogos de mundo aberto.