Estrela cadente zumbi

Controles e atalhos de estrelas cadentes de zumbis

Zombie Shooting Star is a matured-themed action video game developed and published by Twins Halo. The game has been officially launched on Steam on July 23, 2022.

No jogo, you will be playing as Rudy and help her fight against the zombies and other deadly monsters. Due to the wild nature of the game, you need to equip yourself with basic knowledge before you start the battle. This guide gives you the complete list of Zombie Shooting Star controls to help you get started.

Zombie Shooting Star Controls

Antes de começarmos, note that these default Zombie Shooting Star key bindings can be remapped in the Key Mapping section in the Settings menu of the game.

MovimentoW A S D
PularBarra de espaço
IncêndioBotão esquerdo do mouse
Ataque corpo a corpoF
DesviarDesvio à esquerda
Machine Gun1
Franco atirador3
Plasma Cannon4
Concentration ModeE
MirarBotão direito do mouse
TrancarBotão do meio do mouse
Alterar visualização da câmeraV
Menu de PausaEsc
Zombie Shooting Star Controls

Além do mouse e teclado, the developer has also confirmed that Zombie Shooting Star has partial controller support. This means that you can also use a gamepad controller to play the game.

This concludes our Zombie Shooting Star controls guide. Caso tenhamos perdido algum controle chave importante do jogo, make sure to let us know.

Sobre o autor

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