Rogue Lords

Rogue Lords PC Keyboard Controls

Are you planning to enter the dark fantasy world of Rogue Lords and play as the devil? If yes, here are the Rogue Lords controls to help you get started. Note that you can modify these default Rogue Lords keybindings by going to the settings section of the game. 

Rogue Lords Controls

Pause MenuEsc
Devil ModeSpacebar
End of TurnEnter
Next DiscipleTab
Skill 11
Skill 22
Skill 33
Skill 44
Skill 55
Skill 66
Skill 77
Recharge ActionR
Rogue Lords Controls

If you’re confused with the controls listed above, you can also refer to the Rogue Lords controls screenshot below:

Did we miss any Rogue Lords keybinding? Help us improve this guide by leaving your suggestions in the comment section below.

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