Rooftop Renegade Controls and Shortcuts Guide

This page covers the list of all Rooftop Renegade controls and keyboard shortcuts. Rooftop Renegade is a side scroller and runner video game developed and published by Melonhead Games. The game is currently available on multiple platforms including PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PC via Steam.

Rooftop Renegade Controls

The following are the default Rooftop Renegade key bindings. If you’re playing the game on a console or using a gamepad on a PC, you can skip this section and proceed to the gamepad controls guide.

Move RightRight Arrow
Move LeftLeft Arrow
Dive / SlideLeft Ctrl
BoostLeft Shift
BlinkLeft Alt
Swap CameraQ
Aim UpUp Arrow
Aim DownDown Arrow
Aim LeftLeft Arrow
Aim RightRight Arrow
SpecialRight Alt
Pause MenuEsc
Rooftop Renegade Controls

Note that the PC version of Rooftop Renegade also has full controller support. You can refer to the gamepad mapping below:

This concludes our Rooftop Renegade controls guide. Good luck, runners!

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