MushRoom Angels Games has finally released Sacrifice of the Spirit, a survival and hunting video game. Sacrifice of the Spirit follows the story of a fugitive hunter who made a terrible mistake and is now being punished by Mother Nature. In this guide, we will show you the complete list of Sacrifice of the Spirit controls to help you with your survival in the wild.
Sacrifice of the Spirit Controls
Function | Key |
Move Forward | W |
Move Backward | S |
Move Left | A |
Move Right | D |
Jump | Spacebar |
Sprint | Shift (Hold) |
Squat | Z |
To Lay | X |
Function | Key |
Open Inventory | Tab |
Pause Game | Esc |
Goals | O |
Open Map in Game | M |
Tutorial | T |
Function | Key |
Attack | Left Mouse Button |
Aim with Weapons | Right Mouse Button |
Reload Weapons | R |
Switch Weapon Firing Mode | Q |
Use Weapon Flashlight | F |
Function | Key |
Build on Map | Left Mouse Button |
Rotate Construction | R |
Reset Construction Start Position | P |
Function | Key |
Interact with Items | E |
Put Animal on Stone (Story Mode) | I |
Use Life Quickly | L |
Call the Tamed Horse | Y |
Function | Key |
Track Food | C |
Track Animals | V |
Track Items | B |
Track Camp | N |
Function | Key |
Drop Unit Item (Hand/Inventory) | G |
Shortcut Choose Drop Shape | Left Ctrl |
Key Dropped All at Once (Inventory) | H |
Shortcut Key Between Inventories | Left Shift |
Use Item in Hand Key | U |
And this is everything about the default Sacrifice of the Spirit controls and shortcuts. Feel free to leave a comment below if we missed any key controls in the game. Also, check our Northern Journey controls guide if you love survival video games like this.