Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem

Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem PC Keyboard and Gamepad Controls

Devolver Digital has officially released Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem. For players who are planning to join the fight against notorious mental in the wildlands of Russia, here are the default Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem controls.

Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem Controls

Below are the default Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem keyboard and mouse controls. You can change the following Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem keybindings by going to Options > Keyboard and Mouse > Configure Keys.

Move ForwardW or Up Arrow
Move BackwardS or Down Arrow
Strafe LeftA or Left Arrow
Strafe RightD or Right Arrow
Jump / Swim UpSpacebar
Crouch / Swim DownLeft Ctrl
Primary FireLeft Mouse Button
Aim / Secondary FireRight Mouse Button
SprintLeft Shift
Use / MeleeE
Show Weapon WheelQ or Middle Mouse Button
Weapon Selection ModifierLeft Alt
Quick Use GadgetZ
Next GadgetM
Previous GadgetN
Next WeaponMouse Wheel Down or ]
Previous WeaponMouse Wheel Up or [
Toggle Last WeaponX
Third Person ViewH
Use Voice CommunicationT
Way to GoC
Toggle Player ListTab
Weapon Slot 11
Weapon Slot 22
Weapon Slot 33
Weapon Slot 44
Weapon Slot 55
Weapon Slot 66
Weapon Slot 77
Weapon Slot 88
Weapon Slot 99
Weapon Slot 00
Enter Voting ModeF5
Invoke MenuF10
Invoke Menu / Exit TestEsc
Activate ConsoleF1 or Tilde
Take ScreenshotF11
Save Game MenuF2
Load Game MenuF3
Quick SaveF6
Quick LoadF9
Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem Keyboard Controls

For gamepad users, here are the controls that you can use in the game:

Aim / Secondary FireLT
Primary FireRT
Show Weapon WheelLB
Toggle Dual WieldingRB
Quick Save / Toggle Player ListView Button
Game MenuMenu Button
Toggle SprintL3
Use / MeleeR3
Enter Voting ModeD-Pad Up
Third Person ViewD-Pad Down
NetricsaD-Pad Left
Way to GoD-Pad Right
Quick Use GadgetY
Crouch / Swim DownB
Jump / Swim UpA
Move Forward / Move BackwardLeft Stick (Up and Down)
Strafe Left / Strafe RightLeft Stick (Left and Right)
Look Up / Look DownRight Stick (Up and Down)
Look Left / Look RightRight Stick (Left and Right)
Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem Gamepad Controls

Just like the keyboard and mouse controls, you can also change and modify these Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem gamepad controls. Just go to Options > Controller > Controller Layout.

Also, note that there are a few unassigned controls in the game. You can assign your desired keys to these actions in the settings section of the game.

Do you have any questions or suggestions about this guide? Feel free to let us know in the comment below.

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