All guns featured in the swelter in real life, with production country’s, calibers, history and lore. Also a guide on how to use the guns effectively.
Melee weapons
Melee weapons don’t serve much of a role in swelter due to the high amounts of ammo you get for guns in the game, they still are useful for opening ammo boxes and boards from doors and windows.
Stun Stick
- Origin: Combine
- Ammo: None
- Caliber: None
The stun stick or baton is the first weapon in swelter, it’s used by civil protection in the second map of swelter but quickly gets dropped in favor of the 9mm pistol (usp match), its use in the game after that point is to be an effective way to open boxes,
View the model of the stun stick
Swinging Stun Stick
- Origin: Earth
- Ammo: None
- Caliber: None
The hammer is the starting weapon of the bonus chapter of swelter “Indecent in aperture’ but quickly gets replaced by the pre-war submacine gun, its even more useless the the stun stick due to the lack of ammo boxes in the bonus chapter, pretty much a replacement to the crowbar
View Model of Hammer
Swinging Hammer
Both handguns in this mod are from half-life 2, but with new animations and ads, both handguns are useful in mid range combat, they both take up slot 2 of your inventory.
9mm Pistol (H&K USP Match)
- Origin: Germany
- Caliber: 9×19
- Mag-size: 18+1
The 9mm pistol is the first gun to be picked up in game and the second weapon in the game, it is commonly used by early game combine units and lightly armored resistance units, the pistol deals more damage and is more accurate then the smg, so is still useful mid game,
View Model of USP Match
Showing more of the grip and muzzle break
Iron sights (TRU-DOT Adjustable Night Sights for USP)
Officer’s Revolver .357 (Colt Anaconda)
- Origin: USA
- Caliber: .357
- Cylinder size: 6
The officer’s revolver is found on a dead combine elite a top of the school building near the end of chapter 1, it’s ammo is very rare, I only found 18 rounds in chapter 1, it is very inaccurate when hip-fired but laser accurate when ads, the revolver fires in single-action, it’s not used by resistance or combine, you mainly want to save its ammo for combine elites, combine shotguners, and fast head crab’s
View Model of Officers Revolver
Empty Cylinder
Loading Speed Loader
Iron sights
Sub-machine Guns
The sub-machine guns are useful in close range but quickly fall off at mid-range, but is made up by the massive amounts of ammo you get for them, both take the 3rd slot of inventory
Pre-war Submacine Gun (MP5-SD)
- Origin: Germany
- Caliber: 9×19
- Mag-size: 30+1
The pre-war smg is not usable by the player in the main game, its only usable in the bonus chapter “Indecent in aperture” and in the shooting range, its used by the professor in chapter 1, storm troopers in chapter 3, and by liquidators in the bonus chapter, its the only suppressed weapon in the game, it has better damage then the mp7 (smg),
View Model of Pre-war SMG
Removing Mag
Pre-War SMG with No Mag
Iron sights of pre-war smg (fun fact: the ads only uses the front sight)
Aiming HK Style sights IRL
Submacine Gun (MP7-A1)
- Origin: Combine (Germany IRL)
- Caliber: 4.6×30
- Mag-size: 45+1
The main weapon of combine its first found in the opening levels of act 1 and is used by standard combine troops, resistance, and some anarchists, suffers from low damage but has the highest magazine size in the game and you always get a full-magazine from dropped smgs, unlike in half-life 2 it does not have an under-barrel grenade launcher, but instead has a large red-dot sight.
View Model of Submacine Gun
Inserting Magazine
Pulling Back Charging Handle
Red-dot sight
Assault Rifles
Assault Rifles in Swelter are late Game weapons with High Power and Alt Fires, but are only found in Act 2 and Act 3.
Pre-War Assault Rifles (Ak74 + Gp25)
- Origin: USSR
- Caliber: 5.45×39 / 40mm Caseless
- Mag-size: 30+1
The pre-war assault rifle is found in act 3 as a secret weapon and is used by storm troopers in act 3, it has the Russian gp25 under-barrel grenade launcher as an alt fire, its a very versatile weapon but has limited ammo in the main game, it has an achievement linked to it.
View Model of Pre-War Assault Rifle
Inserting Magazine
pulling Charging Handle
Aiming Down Sights (Custom AK Night sights)
Loading Gp-25 Under-barrel Grenade launcher
Combine Pulse Assault Rifle (AR2)
- Origin: Combine
- Caliber: Pulse cells / Energy Balls
- Mag-Size: 30+1
The ar2 is a only found in chapter 3 and is used by heavy combine and combine elites, it is the highest damage automatic weapon in the game, it starts with a low recoil pattern but after 20 shots visual recoil kicks in, energy ball alt fire is rare but can instantly kill any enemy on contact.
Combine Pulse Assault Rifles
Combine Pulse Assault Rifle with No Mag
Loading Energy Balls
Aiming Down Holo-Sighs
Special Weapons
Special weapons in swelter are very powerful but with the trade off of semi-rare ammo and special use cases, all special weapons have a section after gaining them that shows off there power and use cases.
Shotgun (Spas-12)
- Origin: Combine (Italy IRL)
- Caliber: 12 gauge
- Tube-Size: 6+1
The shotgun is first gained in the 3rd map of chapter 1, its model is inspired by the og hl2 shotgun, it’s a very powerful weapon that you have constant ammo for, the shotgun has a long range for a shotgun in a source game, it alt-fire fires two shots rapidly unlike in og hl2 where it fires two shots at the same time, it’s used by combine shotgunners, resistance shotgunners, and anarchist storm troopers.
View Model of Shotgun
Pumping Shotgun
Alt-Fire of Shotgun
Loading Shell into Shotgun
Aiming Down Sights
Sniper Rifle (Mosin-Nagant M1938 + PU Scope)
- Origin: USSR
- Caliber: 7.62x54mmR
- Clip-size: 5
The sniper rifle is first gained in the 4th map of chapter 1, it’s ammo is semi-rare, its based on the m1938 one of the many mosin-nagant carbines and is used with the soviet pu scope, it has the highest power for a ranged weapon (not counting the grenade launcher), it can one shot ant-lions and civil protection, 2 to 3 shot combine shotguners and chapter 3 combine, its not used by any npc accept the miner in chapter 2.
View Model of Sniper Rifle
Cycling Bolt (Bolt Seems to be a Custom M44 Bolt)
Loading a round into the Sniper Rifle
Aiming Down the Scope (Uses a Custom Optic rather then an Actual PU Optic)
Correct Optic for PU Scopes
Grenade Launcher (M79)
- Origin: USA
- Caliber: 40mm
- Tube size: 1
The grenade launcher is first gained in the last map of chapter 2, its ammo is rare, it is the most powerful gun in the game, and can kill big groups of hostiles is a single shot, it’s based on the Vietnam-era m79 which was the main grenade launcher of the USA till getting replaced in 1969 by the m203, it is the only gun in the game to not be able to use iron sights, its ammo is found before the grenade launcher and can be thrown as a impact grenade.
View Model of grenade Launcher
Emptying Spent Round
Empty M79
Loading Grenade
Grenades are rare but powerful, they can easily clear out hordes of hostiles, they all occupy the 5th slot of the inventory.
Grenade (M18 Smoke Grenade)
- Origin: USA
- Ammo: None
- Caliber: None
The grenade despite being a frag grenade is based on the m18 smoke grenade that is used irl since 1942, its the first grenade given to the player in the game, it has a quick fuse time and can be thrown a long distance away.
View Model of the Grenade
Throwing the grenade (all grenades use the same throw animation).
Grenade for Grenade launcher (40mm)
- Origin: USA
- Ammo: 40mm
- Caliber: None
The grenades for the grenade launcher are found before the actual grenade launcher, they work as impact grenades and have lower throw distance then the standard grenade but have a instant effect on target.
View Model of the Grenade for Grenade launcher
Readying Grenade
Throwing the Grenade for Grenade launcher
Bug Bait
- Origin: Probably Russia?
- Ammo: None
- Caliber: None
The bug bait did not appear for me in my play though of this game, but it attracts bugs like ant lions to stop attacking you for a moment.
View Model of Bug Bait
Throwing Bug Bait
Bonus Mod Options
The game has mod options that effect the handing of weapons for example you can make it so you lose any ammo in your magazine after a non-empty reload, or have to cycle the bolt manualy on the sniper rifle.
My settings I used for my play-though and guide photos.