Registeel out, Regirock in. The last but not the least member of the Titan trio Regirock has arrived in Pokemon GO. Regirock will be replacing Registeel as the Tier 5 Raid Boss, and as usual, all Tier Raid Bosses has also changed.
Starting today until September 20th, Regirock will be the Raid Boss of Tier 5. As mentioned, Tier 1 to 4 Raid Bosses has also been changed. Here are the confirmed Raid Bosses for this month.
Updated Pokemon GO Raid Bosses – August 2018
Tier 1 Raid Bosses
- Wailmer
- Meditite
- Magikarp
- Makuhita
Tier 2 Raid Bosses
- Kirlia
- Roselia
- Alolan Exeggutor
- Mawile
Tier 3 Raid Bosses
- Piloswine
- Donphan
- Machamp
- Alolan Raichu
- Tangela
Tier 4 Raid Bosses
- Rhydon
- Tyranitar
- Absol
- Alolan Marowak
Tier 5 Raid Boss
- Regirock
Similar to the previous Raid Boss changes, all Tier 1 Raid Boss has a higher chance of dropping their shiny forms. All listed Raid Bosses are also affected by the weather system, so there will be a difference for the max CP depending on the weather when you catch it.