Blizzard has officially released the overhauled Warcraft 3 with its new name Warcraft 3: Reforged. As promised, the developed did not change any storyline which means that fans will be getting a similar story as before. What they did in this newly released Warcraft 3: Reforged is the overall visual and gameplay improvements.
If you’ve already played this game before, you’re already aware that it is equipped with cheat codes. In Warcraft 3, cheat codes will make things easier such as getting enough resources, instant kill, and more. Knowing the fact that Blizzard only changed the visual and gameplay, the Warcraft 3 cheat codes are still working. Below is the complete list of Warcraft 3 cheat codes that you can use in Warcraft 3: Reforged.
Warcraft 3: Reforged Cheat Codes
Before we jump to the cheats, let me first teach you how to use it. To activate the listed cheat codes below, all you need to do is hit the enter button on your keyboard, enter the cheat codes, and press the enter button again. Once the cheat code is activated, you will be seeing a notification on the screen.
- allyourbasearebelongtous – Instant victory
- daylightsavings – Stops or resumes the day/night cycle
- daylightsavings (1-24) – Sets the specific time of day
- greedisgood – Grants 500 gold and 500 wood
- greedisgood (#) – Grants specified amount of gold and wood
- iocainepowder – Toggles fast death and decay
- iseedeadpeople – Reveals map and removes the fog of war
- itvexesme – Disables victory conditions
- keysersoze (#) – Grants specified amount of gold
- leafittome (#) – Grants specified amount of wood
- lightsout – Sets game time to evening
- motherland (race) (#) – Warps to individual faction level
- pointbreak – Disables food limit
- riseandshine – Sets game time to morning
- sharpandshiny – Grants all Research upgrades
- somebodysetusupthebomb – Instant failure
- strengthandhonor – Disables defeat/failure conditions and restrictions in Campaign mode
- synergy – Removes all tech tree requirements
- tenthleveltaurenchieftain – Plays Power of the Horde by Tenth Level Tauren Chieftain
- thedudeabides – Reduces spell cooldown
- thereisnospoon – Grants infinite Mana
- warpten – Speeds up build time
- whoisjohngalt – Speeds up research time
- whosyourdaddy – Grants invincibility and one-hit kills
Codes with asterisk listed above correspond that it requires an extra detail to activate the cheat. For example, the cheat code greedisgood 1000 will give you 1,000 gold and woods. To deactivate the cheat, just enter the code again and wait for the confirmation notice.