Where to Find All Power Crystals in Roboquest

Created to help you find and collect all the 6 power crystals.

Purple Power Crystal

1. Go to the Ruins orange/secret area and open the laser gate (Ruins Laser Gate Guide)

2. Go in the purple door in the secret area

3. Fight through scrap yard

4. Purple Power Crystal is after the gang of elites boss fight

Blue Power Crystal

1. Speedrun through Oasis to get to the first safe area

2. If done quickly enough, purple door on the left should be open and proceed to the rift

3. Speedrun through the rift (use rocket jumping it easier)

4. Blue Power Crystal is after the defusal of the bomb at the end

Red Power Crystal

1. Go to the Quarry orange/secret area (Quarry Secret Area Unlock)

2. Reach the purple door on the left and travel to the pit

3. Fight through the pit and do the 3 purple rooms

4. Red Power Crystal is after the boss fight

Green Power Crystal

1. Go to Aqua station and continue through until you reach the final area before the first safe area door

2. Look for some greenry on the right and go through it to find the purple door

3. Travel to waste station and fight through it

4. Green Power Crystal is after the defusal of the bomb at the end

Yellow Power Crystal

1. Get the Fusion Core Key

2. Go to Aqua Station and use the key in the first safe area, before leaving the safe area look behind to find the Fusion Core door

3. Go through the rest of Aqua Station and then travel to Fusion Core

4. Fight through Fusion Core

5. Yellow Power Crystal is after the boss fight

Light Blue / Teal Power Crystal:

1. Have the tech room unlocked in the first Fields safe area (Keys Guide)

2. On a new run, collect and keep ahold of atleast 25 powercells and make your way to the Fields safe area

3. Unlock the powercell door to gain access to the purple door

4. Travel to the doom gardens and fight through it (the green exploding ball will earn you more time)

5. Light Blue / Teal Power Crystal should be at the end of the level

This guide about Roboquest was written by Exsie. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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