أكاديمية بطلي

الفصل الأكاديمي بطلي 278 تاريخ الإصدار والمفسدين

Kohei Horikoshi just dropped another epic chapter for أكاديمية بوكو نو هيرو and fans are now excited to read My Hero Academia Chapter 278. Following the clash between the two main characters of the series, all are now excited to see the outcome. Will Deku and the heroes be able to defeat the lone and powerful Shigaraki?

في دليل المانجا هذا, we will be sharing all the details that we know about the upcoming Boku no Hero Academia Chapter 278. Discover the Chapter 278 release date and ways to read it online.

الفصل الأكاديمي بطلي 278

Boku no Hero Academia Chapter 278 يوم الاصدار

الفصل 278 of the My Hero Academia manga series will be released on Sunday, July 19th. The official title for the upcoming Boku no Hero Academia manga chapter is yet to be released.

Read My Hero Academia Chapter 278

There are few ways to read the latest chapter of My Hero Academia manga. حالياً, Kohei Horikoshi’s Boku no Hero Academia is part of the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The author has been releasing a new manga chapter every week, which means that Chapter 278 will be available in the next issue.

في أثناء, overseas fans who don’t have the chance to grab the magazine can read My Hero Academia online. Fans can access the latest chapter of the manga series by visiting the official distributors such as فيز ميديا and Manga Plus.

Boku no Hero Academia Chapter 278 المفسدين

My Hero Academia is one 0f the most popular manga series right now. And being one of the hottest manga, fans are also getting the early spoilers for the chapter. My Hero Academia raw scan and spoilers are usually being released 2-3 days before the official chapter releases. اعتبارًا من هذه اللحظة, it’s still too early to see the details for الفصل 278. في هذه الأثناء, we recommend bookmarking this page as we will be updating this once we got the official spoilers for the chapter.

الفصل الأكاديمي بطلي 277 خلاصة

الفصل السابق بعنوان “Who Is Itcovers the continuation of the intense battle between the heroes against the main antagonist of the series, Tomura Shigaraki. The chapter starts with the confrontation between Deku and Shigaraki.

After Gran Torino saved Deku and Bakugo from the enemy, the two Class 1-A students jumped in again after seeing the villain trying to attack their teacher. Shota Aizawa, known as Eraserhead, keeps on using his Quirk which restricts Tomura to use the full potential of All for One. Knowing that he’s being dragged down by Eraser’s Quirk, Tomura decides to take him down first.

لكن, Bakugo and Midoriya jumped in to stop him. While everyone was shocked by the actions of the two students, the number 1 hero, Endeavor, arrives while giving Tomura a huge punch. With Tomura being outnumbered, he still shows no sign of giving up. في حين أن, he was seen pumped up with all the powers in front of him.

There’s a bit of flashback of Tomura’s life as well how the previous owner of All for One affects Shigaraki’s well being. After the short flashback, Gran Torino was seen attacking Tomura Shigaraki while telling him to stop crushing Shimura’s heart. But the villain responds like he didn’t remember or know Shimura.

Shigaraki was seen having a creepy smiling face and at the same time, the villain hears Bakugo shouting on top of him. Bakugo immediately released his deadly attack against Tomura followed by another powerful attack from Endeavor.

The villain’s status is still unknown after the powerful combination attack from Endeavor and Bakugo when the spread changes to Mt. Lady and Gigantomachia. The two giants seem to be having a face-off. Will Mt. Lady be able to take down All for One’s personal bodyguard? Let’s find out once the My Hero Academia Chapter 278 إطلاق.

عن المؤلف

بيلي هو من محبي الأنمي المهووسين. يحب قراءة المانغا ومشاهدة الرسوم المتحركة في أوقات فراغه. سلسلة الأنمي والمانغا المفضلة لديه هي One Piece وHunter x Hunter.