This page offers a list of all Bram The Toymaker controls and keyboard shortcuts for Windows PC. Bram The Toymaker is a survival horror video game developed and published by Game Plant Entertainment Inc. As of writing, the game is currently available on PC via Steam.
Bram The Toymaker Controls
The following are the default Bram The Toymaker key bindings. To change and remap these default controls, go to Settings > Controls tab. Make sure that you hit the Apply button to save all the changes that you have made.
Action | Key |
Movement Up | W |
Movement Down | S |
Movement Left | A |
Movement Right | D |
Crouch | Left Ctrl |
Prone | C |
Run | Left Shift |
Jump | Space |
Zoom | Right Mouse Button |
Fire | Left Mouse Button |
Reload | R |
Use | E |
Examine | Q |
Lean Left | Y |
Lean Right | X |
Use Item 1 | 1 |
Use Item 2 | 2 |
Use Item 3 | 3 |
Use Item 4 | 4 |
Pause Menu | Esc |
Inventory | Tab |