This guide will be covering the steps on how to get the 100% achievements in Cookies vs. Claus. If you’re one of the players who want to obtain all achievements in the game, make sure to check the detailed guide below.
Before we get started, please note that this achievement guide may contain spoilers in the game. If you’re looking for certain achievement in this game, you can always use the search function by pressing CTRL+F on your computer and search for the specific achievement.
Cookies vs. Claus Achievement Guide
Cookie Win – Win a match on the cookie team!
- Play a Quick Match, almost every time you will be Cookie. Kill Santa before he kills you all. This cannot be completed in single player.
Santa Win – Win a match on the Santa team!
- Play a Quick Match, wait for a new map and go lucky to be Santa. Kill the cookies before they kill you. This cannot be completed in single player.
Mecha Mouse In The House – Activate Mecha Mouse
Only unlocked in the Map “Christmas Home”. For this achievement, you need to bring a Cheese to the mouse in the house.
The cheese is around the house. There are some spots that will appear (and the other objects too).
Grab the cheese and go to the mouse hole. It is located between the Unicorn Castle and the Chimney.
You just have to get closer, and the mouse appears, it will take the cheese and it will become the Mecha Mouse. A robot that will help you in combat.
Snowy The Snowman – Bring Snowy To Life
- For this achievement, you need to bring a The Hat and the Carrot to the Snowman in the Fridge. Like the cheese, you need to find the Hat and The Carrot for the little Snowman located in the Fridge.
You can choose one first and place it, and then find the other.
When the Snowman has the 2 objects, it will grow a lot, and it will help you in combat.
Ginger Squad – Activate The Gingerbread House
- Only unlocked in the Map “Christmas Home”. For this achievement, you need to bring 3 Gummies to the Gingerbread house. Find 3 Gummies: 1 Green, 1 Red and 1 Yellow. Put them in the Gingerbread house.
Once completed, gingerbread cookies will appear to fight in combat. Although it is a long time to get the gummies, the advantage of this Achievement is that more cookies will appear when you break them, until they destroy the house.
Pegasus – Free the magical creature!
- Only unlocked in the Map “Christmas Home”. For this achievement, you must bring the rainbow key to the Pegasus in the castle. At the top of the house is a flying rainbow key that moves by itself around the room. To get the key you must use a flying vehicle to reach some wooden beam in the middle of the room. Even the nutcracker serves to get there.
Caution – It is not necessary to press “F” to grab it, just touching it is enough. If you press “F” or if you pick up another weapon, the key will fly out again and you will have to do the same process.
Now, go to the Castle and proceed to jail. The Pegasus will be free as a flying vehicle. The Pegasus has a Lazer beam, a Shield and a Dash. Very useful to kill Santa.
Magical Mermaid – Activate Magical Mermaid
- Only unlocked in the Map “Cookie Cave”. For this achievement, you must bring the 3 objects to the Trident in the harbor. You need to find the 3 objects. A Hat, a Spork and a Spear/Cane.
Spork Location
Hat Location
Spear/Cane Location
Like the others, place the 3 objects in the Trident. A giant flying Mermaid will appear. She will give you and your allies shields.
Ghost Ship – Spooky Scary Cookies
- Only unlocked in the Map “Cookie Cave”. For this achievement, you must take The Ghostly Sword and kill the Ghostly Cookie.
There is a Green Sword, like ghostly, that you can find in the Map.
Your mission is to kill a Ghostly Cookie. He can move around the Map and is invincible, but with the Ghostly sword, you can kill him. Be careful, because this Cookie deal 50 damage, breaking any vehicle and install kill you.
There is a little Bug with this. If Santa kills you with the Sword in hands, the sword will disappear. You will need to restart the map.
When you’ve killed it, the sunken ship on the beach will begin to rise and turn into a ghost ship.
The advantages that this gives you are similar to that of the gingerbread house. More ghostly cookies will appear to fight on your side, and they will stop appearing until they destroy the ship.
Eskimo Shmeskimo – Activate Electric Eskimo
- Only unlocked in the Map “North Pole”. For this achievement, you must bring the Fish to the Eskimo in the Igloo. There is an Igloo next to the Yeti, and you need to give a fish to the Eskimo.
In order to get a fish, we will go to the fishing rod that is in the middle of the map, and being close to it we press “F”. We will wait for a shadow of a fish to appear and pull the rod, to be able to click it and remove it from the water. Jump carefully to grab the fish.
Then we just have to get close to the igloo so that the Eskimo happily accepts the fish, which will even break his house to help you fight from the sky by throwing electric balls.
Abominable Snowman – R.I.P. seal
- Only unlocked in the Map “North Pole”. For this achievement, you need to hit the yeti with the seal ball. Next to the Igloo, there is a Yeti. He does nothing until we piss him off. For this, we gonna need the seal ball to hit the Yeti.
Just shoot carefully the ball until is next to the Yeti. Then, make a strong shoot at the Yeti will awake. He will crush the seal, and he will chase the ball, hitting and throwing giant snowballs at all those who get in his way (except you).