Fortnite goldene Luftballons

Fortnite-Saison 7: Standort aller goldenen Ballons (Woche 9)

One of the challenges in Fortnite Season 7 Woche 9 ist zu Pop 10 Golden Balloons. To help you with the challenge, hier sind the locations of all the golden balloons that you can pop.

Es gibt insgesamt 20 golden balloons scattered across the map and the challenge only requires to you to pop 10 von ihnen. Ebenfalls, this challenge can be done in different matches, so players don’t need to rush to pop 10 golden balloons in one game.

All Golden Balloons Locations

There are 2x golden balloons in Frosty Flights, 1x in Snobby Shores, 1x in Haunted Hills, 3x in Paradise Palms, 2x in Wailing Woods, 1x in Tomato Temple, und mehr. Please refer to the marked location in the map below:

Fortnite Golden Balloons Locations
Fortnite Golden Balloons Locations

And that’s all the locations. After you have successfully completed the challenges, you will see a notification on the screen saying you have done so. For more Fortnite Season 7 führen, Überprüfen Sie unbedingt unsere Fortnite-Anleitung Verzeichnis.

Über den Autor

Earl ist einer dieser Spieler, die fast jedes neue Spiel spielen. Aber er spielt lieber FPS und Open-World-Spiele.