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One Piece Manga Sees Tama Gaining Allies During the Onigashima War

The new One Piece manga chapter finally arrived and manga fans can now read it online via Manga Mehr und Nämlich Medien. With the release of this chapter, many fans are caught off guard with the unexpected turn of events. This was due to the power that has been slowly invading all the enemies in the Onigashima.

The latest Chapter 1004 betitelt “Kibi Dangoshowcased the usefulness of the devil fruit power of O-tama. Wie wir alle wissen, Tama has this unnamed Paramecia devil fruit that allows tame any animal who eats a dango from her cheeks.

One Piece Kapitel 1004 begins with Speed (one of the Headliners), which goes around Onigashima’s castle giving dango to the Gifters, saying that dangos is a recovery medicine from Queen.

A flashback was spotted in the chapter featuring Tama’s desire to go to Onigashima to help the fight. She wants to see Momonosuke as the shogun of the Wano Country, and she doesn’t want to be hungry again. So she used Speed’s personal ship to go to Onigashima, along with Speed, Gazelleman and Daifugou. Tama has created a huge amount of kibi dango on the ship.

Going back to the present time, we see Gazelleman and Daifugou running around the castle of Onigashima and distributing dango to Gifters, zu. With the help of all the enemy-turned-ally, Tama helped Franky in an intense fight against Sasaki and the other enemies.

Usopp also took advantage of his sniping skills and used the kibi dango as a bullet and forced the enemy to eat the dango. Zur Zeit, there are lots of gifters who are now following Tama. This unexpected turn of events will surely help them win the great battle in Onigashima.

Über den Autor

Billy ist ein Anime-Fan. In seiner Freizeit liest er gerne Mangas und schaut sich Animes an. Seine Lieblings-Anime- und Manga-Serien sind One Piece und Hunter x Hunter.