An in-depth guide to the marketplace of Dead Frontier 2.
For the purpose of this manual, several aspects of the marketplace will be outlined and examined to help better understand what makes items valuable and the related business practices of the players within the community. Players may use this information to better understand the marketplace or determine their item’s value in accordance with the listed sections displayed below:
- Supply & Demand
- Methodology
- Taxation & Trade
- Understanding Buyers
- Determining Value
- Valuable Items
- Item Stats
- Desirable Stats (Stat sticks, Gear, Weapons)
- Conclusion
Supply & Demand
The player demand for items will always determine the need for a supply of certain items. The most notable example of this is the relationship between average players and their in-game needs for survival, such as ammunition, food, medicine, weaponry, and crafting supplies. The market value of these items fluctuates based on several factors, including the current meta tactics used by pro or veteran players, current or seasonal events, and game updates that may affect the overall balance of such things and introduce new features.
For example, the introduction of crafting schematics for a new type of gear creates a demand for specific items, resulting in an increase in their price. Additionally, current world events like “Purple Zones” reward players with ammunition and items upon completion. The players participating in these events, along with those who loot the city, play a vital role in supplying the demands of the community.
The various business practices of the Dead Frontier 2 player market involves many forms of various business practices and the market itself is unregulated leaving free reign to the players to implement their
methods of profiteering through various forms market manipulation and sales tactics, many of which are unethical business practices in the real world and illegal but have no restrictions in the player market of Dead Frontier. Some of these business practices and forms of profit are as mentioned below:
The active practice of buying and selling goods and utilizing an existing price gap to make a profit. One example of this could be buying an item off the market for below its scrap value to then scrap the item itself for a profit.
The unethical practice of buying up items and then creating a profit by then re-listing those items at an inflated price.
Cornering the Market
The unethical practice of buying all of an available asset to take control of that market and then re-list the items at an inflated price for a profit.
Predatory Pricing
The business practice of selling an item for cheaper to divert business away from competitors and gain an advantage in the market in some way.
Insider Trading
The unethical practice of taking advantage of or using knowledge that is undisclosed to the general public for the purpose of personal gain giving the seller an unfair advantage. An example could be obtaining a newly added crafting schematic recipe and keeping that information a secret to then exploit the market in some way and gain an advantage over others who do not know this info.
Investment Fraud
The unethical practice where a person or group artificially inflates the price of an item by spreading false or misleading information to bolster their own profits in some way.
Private Auction
Listing an item for sale to take offers privately for the item to then sell the item to the highest price offer for said item. This example is primarily seen in the Dead Frontier discord server among the
user trading section of it.
Providing Service
The act of providing a service to others for a profit in some way. Examples of this could include a player sending an item to someone for a fee in order for it to be upgraded, enhanced, or dyed. Beware that this could result in being scammed and the burden of proof lay with you, always document proof carefully and contact the moderators in the Dead Frontier discord server with your proof if there is a scammer in the marketplace.
Harvesting for Profit
Actively harvesting available resources and then selling said harvested items for profit. A simple example of this would be looting items for the intended purpose of selling them.
Flipping for Profit
The practice of buying items for a low price and then selling it later for a higher price.
Taxation & Trade
In Dead Frontier 2, there is a tax imposed on both market transactions and private cash transactions among players. Currently, the tax rate applied to cash transactions among players is 15%.
To calculate the amount of tax deducted from a player, you need to convert the tax rate (15%) into its decimal form, which is 0.15. Then, you multiply this decimal value by the price or total cash amount involved in the transaction. The result of this calculation will represent the amount of cash that will be taxed or taken from you during a sale or cash transaction with another player.
For example: If the transaction amount is $1000, the calculation would be: $1000 x 0.15 = $150. Therefore, you would lose $150 from your sale or transaction.
It is essential to keep this tax in mind when engaging in cash transactions or attempting to make a profit in the market by selling items. If necessary, it might be advisable to consider bartering valuable goods instead of using cash to avoid this tax.
Understanding Buyers
When it comes to selling your items in the Dead Frontier market, it is helpful to understand the potential buyers and ask yourself important questions such as:
- Who would find this item useful?
- Does this item have additional value due to its potential for rare or elite enhancement?
- Can this item be upgraded in a way that would increase or decrease its value to a buyer?
- Is this item specifically useful to a certain type of player or is it considered collectible?
- Should I hold onto this item until its value increases for potential buyers in the future?
These questions can guide your decision-making process and help you understand the target audience for your sales in the Dead Frontier market. Understanding who would desire your items and for what purpose can enhance your business practices and overall comprehension of the player market. It’s important to note that there are generally players focused on combat roles for boss hunting, looters who profit from acquiring items in various ways, and merchers who manipulate the market using different methods.
Staying updated with recent player trends, builds, and activities is highly recommended when actively participating in the Dead Frontier market community. The game frequently receives updates, events, changes, and new content, all of which can significantly influence the player market and how players interact or play the game.
Determining Value
Understanding what factors contribute to the value of an item can be as simple as analyzing the supply and demand dynamics. For example, a seasonal item may increase in value over time as it becomes more scarce and sought after. Similarly, basic necessity items may experience increased demand during events or trends where many players require such equipment. Additionally, considering intricate stats and player meta, such as popular gear or player builds, can play a role in determining value.
One method to gain insight into item value is by comparing your item’s stats to those of popular and unique items listed on the market. If your item is similar to a highly valuable unique item, you could potentially set a price point similar to it. In general, researching the marketplace for items with similar stats can provide an idea of current pricing trends or help identify competitors’ offerings.
Seeking player feedback in the Dead Frontier official Discord, particularly from experienced market traders or other players, can provide valuable appraisals. However, it is important to carefully consider feedback, as it may sometimes be misleading. Ultimately, rely on your own judgment to set prices that you believe are reasonable and offer the potential for optimal profit in the current trending market.
Valuable Items
Based on player tendencies, the most valuable items in Dead Frontier are generally those that generate hype or have high usefulness. This includes items that are required components for crafting new and powerful gear, powerful unique items themselves, and essential supplies like ammunition for powerful weapons and useful consumables. Additionally, standard non-unique gear items commonly used by boss hunters or looters hold value.
For example, “Stat Sticks” are weapons equipped solely to enhance player stats and not intended for use as primary weapons. “Utility suits” are gear sets equipped for bonuses in looting, health restoration, or experience gain during missions.
Each piece of equipment has desired traits based on popular player builds, and unique items, in particular, may possess stats that go beyond the standard. However, it’s important to note that standard non-unique gear can be just as valuable in certain instances, depending on their stats.
Understanding the demands and preferences of players, as well as the value placed on specific item traits and usefulness, can greatly contribute to successful trading and pricing decisions in the Dead Frontier market.
Item Stats
Stats rolls can go up to 25% or 50%. This doesn’t change depending on the item; both shoes and weapons can have up to 25% sprint speed. Anything over that is because the item’s base attributes are added. For example, a white color or common version of the item, such as the leather jacket, has 10% inventory and 3% damage reduction. So, the maximum inventory and damage reduction stats, not including upgrades such as pouches, are 60% and 28%, respectively.
The current overall maximum stats a non-unique item without upgrades can achieve are as follows:
- 50%: Body damage
- 50%: Attack speed
- 50%: Stun duration
- 50%: Knockback distance
- 50%: Surprise damage
- 50%: Minimum accuracy
- 50%: Maximum accuracy
- 50%: Range
- 50%: Aim speed
- 50%: Reload speed
- 50%: Ammo capacity
- 50%: Headshot damage
- 50%: Damage versus enemy
- 50%: Health
- 50%: Search speed
- 50%: Energy
- 50%: Hydration
- 50%: EXP gained
- 50%: Inventory capacity
- 25%: Incoming damage
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery
- 50%: Bleeding chance
- 50%: Radiation chance
- 50%: Infection chance
- 50%: Burns chance
- 25%: Jog speed
- 50%: Walk speed
- 50%: Sneak speed
- 25%: Sprint speed
- 50%: Sprint duration
- 25%: Sprint cooldown
- 25%: Dodge cooldown
- 50%: Dodge duration (broken relic stat)
- 50%: Health restoration
- 50%: Energy restoration
- 50%: Hydration restoration
- 50%: Energy needs
- 50%: Hydration needs
- 25%: Footstep noise radius
- 25%: Visibility range
- 25%: Sneak visibility range
- 50%: Kick damage
- 50%: Kick stun duration
- 50%: Kick knockback
- 25%: Kick cooldown
- 50%: Lockpick chance
- 50%: Vehicle MPG
- 50%: Vehicle MPH
- 50%: Vehicle fuel capacity
- 50%: Vehicle inventory slots
- 50%: Find chance
- 25%: Noise radius
Valuable Item Stats
The closer your item’s desirable stats are to the maximum value, the higher its overall price value will be on the market. Items with a combination of desired traits, totaling 6 before upgrades, are associated with specific player builds and currently hold the most value when there is a demand for their usefulness by players who require these items to meet their needs. Some examples of this include how a boss hunter character will always prioritize having the damage versus mutated enemies and attack speed stats, regardless of their play style. Another example is how a looter character will always prioritize search speed and find item chance, regardless of their looting style.
It is worth noting that there are undesirable stats for players, as these stats do not synergize well with their current build or gear and can even conflict with other stats present in an item, rendering the item unwanted or almost completely useless. An example of an undesired or conflicting stat may be having the hydration stat on a weapon, when a more useful stat such as damage or movement speed would be preferred. Certain items in the game may also be less desired due to their inherent negative stats or features. For example, one may prefer an auto shotgun with a large drum magazine over a double-barrel shotgun.
Some items may be untradable or contain stats that are no longer obtainable normally in the game on standard gear. These items are referred to as relic items. Relic items that can still be traded are generally valuable based on their usefulness or as collector’s items. The following list of item types is for your standard gear obtained as loot in the game. These stats are for non-unique items that are highly valued by the Dead Frontier player community, who utilize them for their character builds. The list denotes the item type, the useful stat types, and their intended purpose.
Stat Sticks
STAT STICK (Boss Hunting):
- 50%: Damage versus mutated (Increased power)
- 25%: Jog speed (Improved mobility)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (Reduced cooldown for dodging)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Increased sprinting speed)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Extended sprinting duration)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Reduced sprinting cooldown)
- 25%: Incoming damage (Increased resilience)
- 50%: Damage versus infected (Enhanced damage against infected enemies)
- 50%: Health (Increased resilience)
- 50%: Walk speed (Improved mobility)
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery (Faster recovery from stun)
- 50%: Find item chance (Improved chance of finding valuable items from bosses)
- 50%: EXP gained (Increased experience gained from kills)
- 50%: Health restoration (Improved healing effects and cost savings)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (Increased utility)
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold (Higher threshold for resisting stun)
STAT STICK (Looting):
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 50%: Find chance (Improved chance of finding items)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (Increased utility)
- 50%: Lockpick chance (Higher chance of successfully picking locks)
- 25%: Jog speed (Improved mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Increased sprinting speed)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Extended sprinting duration)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Reduced sprinting cooldown)
- 50%: Sneak speed (Enhanced mobility while sneaking)
- 25%: Visibility range (Reduced visibility range to avoid detection)
- 25%: Sneak visibility range (Reduced visibility range while sneaking)
- 25%: Footstep noise radius (Reduced noise radius from footsteps)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (Reduced cooldown for dodging)
- 50%: Health restoration (Improved healing effects and cost savings)
- 50%: Health (Increased resilience)
- 25%: Incoming damage (Increased resilience)
- 25%: Kick cooldown (Reduced cooldown for kicking)
- 50%: Kick stun duration (Extended stun duration from kicks)
- 50%: Kick knockback (Increased knockback from kicks)
- 50%: Weapon knockback distance (Increased knockback distance for weapons)
STAT STICK (Looting Comer and Son Inc.):
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 50%: Find chance (Improved chance of finding items)
- 50%: Sneak speed (Enhanced mobility while sneaking)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (Increased utility)
- 25%: Sneak visibility range (Reduced visibility range while sneaking)
- 25%: Footstep noise radius (Reduced noise radius from footsteps)
- 25%: Jog speed (Improved mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Increased sprinting speed)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Extended sprinting duration)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Reduced sprinting cooldown)
- 50%: Lockpick chance (Higher chance of successfully picking locks)
- 25%: Incoming damage (Increased resilience)
- 50%: Health restoration (Improved healing effects and cost savings)
Melee & Chainsaw
- 50%: Weapon attack speed (Faster kills)
- 50%: Weapon body damage (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus mutated (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus infected (Remove pest)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (More Mobility)
- 25%: Jog speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Sprinter Mobility)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Incoming damage (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health restoration (Better heals & saves $)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (More Utility)
- 50%: Find item chance (Better loot from bosses)
- 50%: EXP gained (More EXP from kills = more enhancers)
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 50%: Weapon stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 50%: Surprise weapon damage (More power)
- 50%: Sneak speed (Stealth Mobility)
- 25%: Sneak visibility range (Avoid Detection)
- 25%: Visibility range (Avoid Detection)
- 25%: Footstep noise radius (Avoid Detection)
- 50%: Weapon attack speed (Faster kills)
- 50%: Weapon body damage (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus mutated (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus infected (Remove pest)
- 50%: Walk speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (More Mobility)
- 25%: Jog speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Sprinter Mobility)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Incoming damage (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health restoration (Better heals & saves $)
- 25%: Weapon Noise radius (Avoid Detection)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (More Utility)
- 50%: Find item chance (Better loot from bosses)
- 50%: EXP gained (More EXP from kills = more enhancers)
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 25%: Kick cooldown (More Power)
- 50%: Kick stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 50%: Weapon headshot damage (More power)
- 50%: Weapon body damage (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus mutated (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus infected (Remove pest)
- 50%: Weapons attack speed (Faster kills)
- 50%: Weapons ammo capacity (More bullets)
- 50%: Reload speed (Faster reloading = less downtime)
- 50%: Maximum accuracy (Precision)
- 50%: Walk speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (More Mobility)
- 25%: Jog speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Sprinter Mobility)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Incoming damage (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health restoration (Better heals & saves $)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (More Utility)
- 50%: Find item chance (Better loot from bosses)
- 50%: EXP gained (More EXP from kills = more enhancers)
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 25%: Weapon Noise radius (Avoid Detection)
- 50%: Weapon stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 25%: Kick cooldown (More Power)
- 50%: Kick stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 50%: Minimum accuracy (Precision)
- 50%: Aim speed (Precision)
- 50%: Weapon headshot damage (More power)
- 50%: Weapon body damage (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus mutated (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus infected (Remove pest)
- 50%: Weapons attack speed (Faster kills)
- 50%: Weapons ammo capacity (More bullets)
- 50%: Reload speed (Faster reloading = less downtime)
- 50%: Maximum accuracy (Precision)
- 50%: Aim speed (Precision)
- 50%: Walk speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (More Mobility)
- 25%: Jog speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Sprinter Mobility)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Incoming damage (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health restoration (Better heals & saves $)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (More Utility)
- 50%: Find item chance (Better loot from bosses)
- 50%: EXP gained (More EXP from kills = more enhancers)
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 25%: Weapon Noise radius (Avoid Detection)
- 50%: Weapon stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 25%: Kick cooldown (More Power)
- 50%: Kick stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 50%: Weapon headshot damage (More power)
- 50%: Weapon body damage (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus mutated (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus infected (Remove pest)
- 50%: Weapons attack speed (Faster kills)
- 50%: Weapons ammo capacity (More bullets)
- 50%: Reload speed (Faster reloading = less downtime)
- 50%: Maximum accuracy (Precision)
- 50%: Walk speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (More Mobility)
- 25%: Jog speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Sprinter Mobility)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Incoming damage (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health restoration (Better heals & saves $)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (More Utility)
- 50%: Find item chance (Better loot from bosses)
- 50%: EXP gained (More EXP from kills = more enhancers)
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 25%: Weapon Noise radius (Avoid Detection)
- 50%: Weapon stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 25%: Kick cooldown (More Power)
- 50%: Kick stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 50%: Minimum accuracy (Precision)
- 50%: Aim speed (Precision)
- 50%: Weapon headshot damage (More power)
- 50%: Weapon body damage (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus mutated (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus infected (Remove pest)
- 50%: Weapons attack speed (Faster kills)
- 50%: Weapons ammo capacity (More bullets)
- 50%: Reload speed (Faster reloading = less downtime)
- 50%: Maximum accuracy (Precision)
- 50%: Walk speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (More Mobility)
- 25%: Jog speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Sprinter Mobility)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Incoming damage (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health restoration (Better heals & saves $)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (More Utility)
- 50%: Find item chance (Better loot from bosses)
- 50%: EXP gained (More EXP from kills = more enhancers)
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 25%: Weapon Noise radius (Avoid Detection)
- 50%: Weapon stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 25%: Kick cooldown (More Power)
- 50%: Kick stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 50%: Minimum accuracy (Precision)
- 50%: Aim speed (Precision)
- 50%: Weapon headshot damage (More power)
- 50%: Weapon body damage (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus mutated (More power)
- 50%: Damage versus infected (Remove pest)
- 50%: Weapons attack speed (Faster kills)
- 50%: Weapons ammo capacity (More bullets)
- 50%: Reload speed (Faster reloading = less downtime)
- 50%: Walk speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Dodge cooldown (More Mobility)
- 25%: Jog speed (More Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint speed (Sprinter Mobility)
- 50%: Sprint duration (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Sprint cooldown (Sprinter Mobility)
- 25%: Incoming damage (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun threshold (More Resilience)
- 50%: Incoming stun recovery (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health (More Resilience)
- 50%: Health restoration (Better heals & saves $)
- 50%: Inventory capacity (More Utility)
- 50%: Find item chance (Better loot from bosses)
- 50%: EXP gained (More EXP from kills = more enhancers)
- 50%: Search speed (Faster looting)
- 25%: Weapon Noise radius (Avoid Detection)
- 50%: Weapon stun duration (Stun Enemies)
- 25%: Kick cooldown (More Power)
- 50%: Kick stun duration (Stun Enemies)
The list of items and stats provided previously is not a definitive standard for player weapons and gear. Instead, it serves as a guide with examples of popular stats that could potentially be useful to players in determining the value of their loot for selling purposes. The value of these stats can vary depending on the combination of stats and their usefulness within the current meta of popular player builds.
It’s important to note that player builds and trends are subject to change as the game receives updates and introduces new features. Therefore, it is recommended to consult with other players within the community to gather feedback about your build and items. Considering their input can be valuable when making important decisions regarding your gameplay strategy.