How To Easily Find Gyms and Raid Battles In Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO has received a lot of in-game improvements. Niantic has added the Generation III Pokemon, weather effects, and even improved the Gym battling system. To be a true Pokemon GO trainer, one must catch all the Pokemon, travel and capture the Legendaries, support by feeding the Pokemon and battling against other players in the gym.

However, not all these things are easily done. One stressful thing that may face is finding some badass Pokemon like Kyogre and Ho-Oh. But thankfully the Pokemon GO community has a solution to help you to be the very best trainer.

Nowadays, tracking number of Pokemon and gyms is a bit easier than before. Thanks to the number of web developer who shared their creating to help the public. So far here are my favorite Pokemon and gym trackers that are doing a great job.

Best Pokemon and Gym Tracker for Pokemon GO

GymHuntr – One of the simplest but offers an excellent gym tracking. This web app shows gym bosses raid levels, moveset, and total base CP, which will help you figure out what is the best Pokemon to use to counter it. You can scan an area every minute to see the gyms around you.

NYCPokeMap – If you’re not from the New York City, this tracker is not for you. For those who are in the city, then this PokeMap is the best for you. It will give you many details about gym boss levels and total CP. In addition, you’ll be able to see who is the team holding a gym.

Pokémon Go Map – Similar to the other tracker, this is another alternative that has a user-friendly navigation. This map tracker also includes the location of a PokeStop.

About the author

Game blogger, skydiver and a mother of 2. A part-time writer and also a gamer. As of now, I only play games on my PC. But who knows, I might get a PS4 someday.