
Eastward Beginner’s Fishing Guide

Struggling to find that one fish? Take a look at this little guide!


So, i am stuck at 99% so instead of cycling through the days to get that sweet sweet 100%, I thought I might as well make a little guide to help others!

Just like in my Kynseed Fishing Guide, I’m going to add some more information as I’m playing.

I’m planning to add the following information:

  • General advice and hints
  • Fish, fishing difficulty and fishing locations

Good luck!

Tips and Tricks

  • You can buy new bobbers and bait at William’s shop. The fast bobber one is the best one you can buy in my opinion.
  • Different locations and different weather influences what fish you can catch
  • I noticed I got a lot more fish on rainy days, might be good days for little fishing trips with Sam!
  • You need different fish for different recipes, so try to catch a variety of fish
  • There are three visiting NPC’s who will challenge you at fishing at the beach, beat them all and you will receive the second fishing pole upgrade and a new type of bobber!
  • There is a shack on the beach but I haven’t figured out yet what to do with it or how to trigger the event… if I do, I’ll let you know!

The List

Fish Difficulty Location
Kelp Farm
Squid 🔵 Sea
Bullfrog 🔵 Mountains
Carp 🔵 Farm, Mountains
Crab 🔵 Swamp
Fish King 🟠 Mountains but only spawns thanks to a certain quest and during misty days.
Cod Sea
Pufferfish 🟣 Swamp
Sardines Sea
Snapper Sea
Eel 🟣 Mountains
Shrimp 🔵 Farm
Octopus 🟣 Sea
Salmon 🔵 Sea
Lobster 🟣 Sea
Turtle 🟠 Mountains
Bass Swamp
Toy Seagull Sea
Toilet paper Sea
Tuna 🔵 Sea
Crucian Sea or Swamp
This guide about Eastward was written by custardsire. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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