Controles y atajos ad infinitum

This page covers the list of all Ad Infinitum controls and keyboard shortcuts for PC. Ad Infinitum is a horror video game developed by Hekate. El juego ya está disponible en PlayStation 5, Estación de juegos 4, xbox uno, Xbox Serie X y Serie S, Androide, y PC con Windows a través de Steam.

Ad Infinitum Controls

The following are the default Ad Infinitum key bindings. To change or modify these default Ad Infinitum keyboard controls, you need to go to Settings > Pestaña de entrada. Make sure that you hit the Apply Changes button to save all the changes that you have made.

Mover hacia atrásS
Mover hacia la izquierdaA
Mover a la derechaD
Obrar recíprocamenteBoton izquierdo del raton
ApuntarBotón derecho del mouse
LinternaBotón derecho del mouse
Equip RifleR
Equip Gas MaskGRAMO
Ad Infinitum Controls

Aparte del soporte para ratón y teclado, developer Hekate also confirms that the PC version of Ad Infinitum has full controller support. This only means that you should not be facing any major controller issues while playing Ad Infinitum.

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