Logro de geografía rota – Héroe del bucle

Broken geography
Lugar 10 cartas que no tenías en tu mazo, not counting ^Oblivion^

How to Unlock Broken geography Achievement

There are two guides found for this achievement. Siéntase libre de explorar las guías a continuación.

Para hacer esto, tienes que matar a Prime Matters. Al matar una Materia Prima, it will give you either a golden card or three cards you didn’t have in your deck. Put down a bunch of battlefields and let the loops go on until you have killed enough Prime Matters.

I first tried this in the first boss and it didn’t work (they gave me a normal card instead), so I would try in the second boss or higher.

Guía por Ginebra.

To receive cards that you don’t have in your deck, you will need to utilize the «Campo de batalla» tarjeta. Enemies that are killed adjacent to the Battlefield tile have a chance of becoming ghosts. This can happen again where you have a ghost of a ghost, and then once more and end with a «Prime matter» enemigo.

Upon defeating this enemy, you will receive either 3 tarjetas, not in your deck or a golden card. This will require killing multiple ghosts, so start busting them!

Guía por Derpy Q.

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Sobre el Autor

Earl es uno de esos jugadores que jugará casi cualquier juego nuevo.. Pero prefiere jugar FPS y juegos de mundo abierto..