Dr. Capítulo de piedra 189

Dr. Capítulo de piedra 189: Kohaku, Taiju, and Ryusui’s Death

Manga author Riichiro Inagaki is back with the newest chapter of Dr. serie manga de piedra. The newest chapter of Dr. Stone manga series sees the departure of the three major supporting characters.

Siguiendo el death of the two most powerful warriors of the Kingdom of Science in Chapter 188, the latest Dr. Capítulo de piedra 189 has added the death toll for the manga series. Esta vez, its the death of Kohaku, Taiju, and Ryusui.

Is Kohaku, Taiju, and Ryusui Dead?

Dr. Capítulo de piedra 189 confirms the death of Taiju and Ryusui. As for Kohaku, who was seen on the first page of the chapter, it seems that she will also be dying anytime soon. Como todos sabemos, Kohaku has been shot twice by Stanley after defeating Tsukasa and Hyoga in Chapter 188.

How did Taiju and Ryusui Die?

Taiju and Ryusi were killed by Stanley and his men. Tauji was hit by a bomb, throwing him and Gen backwards. After the explosion, Gen tried to wake up Taiju but his friend no longer responds. Ryusui, por otra parte, has been shot in his chest after declining Xeno’s offer to surrender.

What Are The Roles of Taiju and Ryusui?

Taiju is considered as one of the main defenses of the Kingdom of Science. Due to his strong physic, he along with Magma is the one getting most of the damages for Senku. Ryusui is one of the people that has been revived by Senku due to his navigation skills. The Kingdom of Science safely arrived in the United States with the help of Ryusui and Ukyo.

Sobre el Autor

Billy es un fanático del anime.. Le encanta leer manga y ver anime durante su tiempo libre.. Sus series de anime y manga favoritas son One Piece y Hunter x Hunter..