sal y sacrificio

Aquí se explica cómo obtener la clave beta de Salt and Sacrifice para PS4 y PS5

Are you one of the PlayStation gamers who are patiently waiting for Salt and Sacrifice? Bien, here’s a bit of good news for you.

According to the recent announcement, Estación de juegos 4 y PlayStation 5 owners in America can now secure a copy of the Salt and Sacrifice beta key by joining Sony’s private beta key giveaway. The game will be accessible starting from March 18th until March 20th. That’s three days of Salt and Sacrifice gaming.

por supuesto, if you’re living outside of America, you can still try your luck if you have a North American PSN account. You can sign up for the Salt and Sacrifice beta key giveaway from this Enlace.

Acerca de la sal y el sacrificio

Como un inquisidor marcado, tú’ll viaje a través de la frontera occidental: perseguir, caza, y aniquilar a los magos que deambulan por el reino. Crea armas y armaduras únicas con la carne y los huesos de otro mundo de los magos que destruyas..

Salt and Sacrifice will be officially launched on May 10, 2022 on PlayStation consoles and PC via Epic Games Store.

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