Media vida: alyx

Cómo arreglar la vida media: Problemas de bloqueo de Alyx en Linux

Trivial fix for a monumental problemthe game not launching. Applies to the native version.


  1. Download an older version of FreeType from here: freetype2-2.10.4-1-x86_64 Arch Linux package
  2. Rather than installing the package via the package manager, extract it to a permanent location, preferably under a directory with the name of the package
  3. Take note of the path to freetype2-2.10.4-1-x86_64/usr/lib
  4. In Steam, under Half-Life: alyx, navigate to Properties… > General and under Launch Options, ingresar:
    LD_LIBRARY_PATH="<camino>:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" %dominio%

    replacing <camino> with the path copied in the previous step

  5. The game should now be playable!
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