Cómo resolver los acertijos en La bruja de Fern Island

This guide will help players navigate the 3 types of puzzles in the game.

Nota: there are spoilers that will give away the solution.

Location Maps

Rompecabezas 1: Light Stones

The stone in this puzzle must be lit in such an order that they all stay on. the correct light will be white. If you see a red light, then you have to start over. This puzzle involves a little bit of trial and error and memory. Existen 5 stones in total. You can make it to the 3rd and be wrong on the 4th so keep the order you lit them correctly in mind.

Description from the wiki page:

«A puzzle that is solved by activating the surrounding pillars in the correct order. This puzzle can be solved by trial and error. When activating a correct pillar, it lights up verdeblanco. Activating the wrong pillar will make all the pillars light up red and resets the puzzle. The solution of this puzzle can change between days.»

Premio: Space stone to increase your inventory space or recipe.

Rompecabezas 2: Bell Puzzle

This puzzle is a challenge in aim accuracy and speed. Collect some acorns off the ground. Count the number of bells you see and grab more acorns then there are bells, just in case you miss.

The trick here is to position yourself in such a way that you can see clearly all the bells without having to walk again.

Equip the acorns in your hand like you would with any tool. You will see the mouse clicks on the bottom screen. Hold to aim and throw.

You have to hit all bells fast enough so they all ring at the same time. They do last a while but you still have to be accurate and quick with your camera control and throwing the acorn.

Have fun with this one, I know I did.

Rompecabezas 3: Stone Children

This puzzle is solved by finding the four children and placing them on the altar.

The given hint is as follows: «Four of my children are scattered around, everyone is different in every part»

To solve these puzzle, find the four children that are different in every part (base, stance, cabeza, sombrero). The children must also differ from the parent in the middle.

The Forest area puzzle has the children scattered down the hill. Pick them all up first and move them closer. The Mountain area has some down the hill too. Make sure you have all children close to the game board then begin the process of elimination below.

Puntas: Find the children that have something in common with the middle and put them somewhere out of sight. This will reduce the possibilities by quite a lot. Remember to look at the base, arms/legs, face, and hat. Then pick any of the remaining and place it in a spot. If you find another that has something in common with the first one you placed, set it aside next to it, you may have to switch to it, depending on the sections of the other 3.

Possible children statues are in the images below.

Possible rewards: Selenite, Citrine, Selenite, Ópalo, Agate

esta guía sobre La bruja de la isla Fern fue escrito por Friendly Ocelot. Puedes visitar la publicación original desde este Enlace. Si tiene alguna duda sobre esta guía, por favor no dude en comunicarse con nosotros aquí.

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