Animated series and live-action have never had the best of relationships and one of the best examples of this is Dragon Ball Evolution, which has failed worldwide. However, a super anime fan known as Re:Anime on YouTube is trying to change that.
On their channel, they impressed fans with an episode of a live-action series of Naruto! The first episode is called “Climbing Silver” and revolves around the 77th episode of Naruto Shippuden, where Konoha’s team 11 faces Hidan and his partner Kakuzu.
For solid Naruto fans, this is one of the most memorable arcs and features some of the best scenes, so it’s a good starting point.
In the production, the episode begins with Shikamaru and Asuma playing shogi but soon the situation takes another turn. Suddenly, the master and the student enter a fight against the two members of Akatsuki.
The highlight of this first episode of the live-action series, no doubt, is the quality. The scenes are very well choreographed and the special effects are Hollywood worthy. Check out the full episode below.