This page covers the complete list of Fargone controls and keyboard shortcuts for Windows PC. Fargone is an RPG-based survival video game developed and published by RedDot Games. The game is currently available on PC via Steam.
Fargone Controls
The following are the default Fargone key bindings. You can change these default controls of the game by going to Settings > Controls section.
Action | Key |
Move Forward | W |
Move Backward | S |
Move Left | A |
Move Right | D |
Crouch | C |
Jump | Space |
Sprint | Left Shift |
Walk (Hold) | Left Alt |
Lean Left | Q |
Lean Right | E |
Interact | F |
Cycle Weapon | Tab |
Equip Throwable | G |
Toggle Light | L |
Cycle Firemode | X |
Lower Weapon | Z |
Reload | R |
Inventory | I |
Equip Slot 1 | 1 |
Equip Slot 2 | 2 |
Equip Slot 3 | 3 |
Equip Slot 4 | 4 |
Equip Slot 5 | 5 |
Open Journal | J |
Open Map | M |
Pause Menu | Esc |
Apart from the mouse and keyboard support, developer RedDot Games has also confirmed that Fargone has controller support. However, due to the fact that the game features a lot of in-game actions, some of the actions will not be available on your controller.