Lien de sang - Dans le Linceul

Lien de sang – Dans les commandes du clavier et de la manette de jeu Shroud PC

WRKS Games has been on a run since the release of Blood Bond – Dans le Linceul. With the overwhelming environment and ambiance of the game, many have already joined Astrid on his journey to save her mother. For players who are also looking forward to discovering this new world, here are the Blood BondInto the Shroud controls to help you with your journey.

Lien de sang – Into the Shroud Controls

Be reminded that you can change and modify these default Blood BondInto the Shroud keybindings by going to Settings and Bindings options.

Déplacer vers la droite
Se déplacer à gaucheUN
Basculer MarcheDécalage à gauche (Tenir)
Roulade d'esquiveCtrl gauche
Menu and SettingsEsc
Toggle Weapon DamageQ
Basculer l'armeF
Utiliser des potionsE
InteragirBarre d'espace
Vision de chasseurBouton droit de la souris (Quick Press)
ObjectifBouton droit de la souris (Tenir)
Attaque de baseBouton gauche de la souris
Sort 11
Sort 22
Sort 3 3
Sort 44
Carte de la régionM
Lien de sang – Into the Shroud Keyboard and Mouse Controls

For players who are using a gamepad controller to play Blood Bond, here are the controls that you can use in the game:

MouvementsStick gauche
AccroupissementStick droit
Basculer MarcheR3
Menu and SettingsBouton Afficher
JournalBouton de menu
Toggle Weapon DamageL1
Basculer l'armeL2
Utiliser des potionsR1
Vision de chasseurL3
ObjectifL3 (Tenir)
Attaque de base
Roulade d'esquive
Sort 1D-Pad vers le haut
Sort 2D-Pad droit
Sort 3D-Pad vers le bas
Sort 4D-Pad gauche
Carte de la régionX
Lien de sang – Into the Shroud Gamepad Controls

As you can see in the gamepad controls, there are three unassigned actions. Simply go to the settings section to assign your desired buttons to these actions.

And this is everything that you need to know about the Blood BondInto the Shroud controls and shortcuts. Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions about this guide. Aussi, please check our Valheim controls guide if you love playing Viking-themed video games.

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