Comment obtenir le “Équipé” Réalisation en acier coupé

Dans ce guide, I will show you the exact steps of getting theKITTED OUTachievement in Severed Steel.

Marcher 1

On the rogue steel page, make sure you don’t have any advanced game rules.

Marcher 2

On the first card selection, choisir “rogue”, so you will get more score in the end.

Marcher 3

Congrats if you have beaten the first level! On the second and third one, make sure you select therebananced bullet time” et “faster slow-mothe order will be random, mais il y a 100% on the second and third level. This will almost remove slow motion, but it will be easier to get points.

Marcher 4

Bravo! After beating level 3, you can select any card you want! ATTENTION!!! You can pick anything you want from TIER 1.

Marcher 5

Once you have reached tier 2 (beating 4 les niveaux), tu dois choisir “-2 santé”, as it will give you more points. MAIS, if you find any other card (vitesse, faster dive, double magazine, cannon, etc.) you can get those one and get the “-2 santé” next round. Dans cet exemple, i want to take thesuper kickslideone and i will get the “-2 santé” next round. After you take the “-2 santé” carte, pick any card you want until tier 3. The cards i recommend are: “super kickslide”, “super dive”, “cutter cannon”.

Marcher 6

Once tier 3 pops up, do not take any card that boostes the score, because the game will become almost impossible to continue. À la place, you can take any card you consider good. Tu devrais éviter: “blood feud”, “floor is lava”, “attack the weak point”, “one in the chamber (use this only if you consider you can pass with it),.

Marcher 7

Once you have completed, tu aurais dû 1 mil score. Repeat this again and again until you have 32 mil score in total (32 court).

Tips and tricks

  • If you ever find a flame thrower, try to keep it across levels as much as you can, since the weapon you carry will pass into the nest level
  • If you ever find the challenge hard, it might be because the endesys gave you some hard cards. Ne vous inquiétez pas! Reset the run and follow the steps again
  • Try to kill everyone in every level, this will give you extra points
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