L'Éternel Suprême

Commandes et raccourcis Summum Aeterna

Summum Aeterna is a 2D roguelike video game developed and published by Aeternum Game Studios. The game offers a lot of fun and action, which players will surely enjoy.

With all the actions that you need to perform while playing the game, you should at least know the basic movements and actions in the Summum Aeterna. This page will cover all the basic Summum Aeterna controls and shortcuts that you should know.

Summum Aeterna Controls

The following details are found during the tutorial section of the game. Malheureusement, it seems that some actions are not shown in the controls section of the game. This is why we will list down all the actions that can be done in the game.

MouvementTouches directionnelles
SautBarre d'espace
Double sautBarre d'espace (Tapez deux fois)
Se précipiterE
Attaque principaleQ
Attaque secondaireO
Attaque tertiaireR
Consommable 11
Consommable 22
Consommable 33
Consommable 44
Summum Aeterna Controls

While you can play the game using your keyboard, we highly recommend that you use a gamepad controller to fully experience the fun of the game. Bien, that was our opinion during our testing period.

And this is everything for this Summum Aeterna key bindings and shortcuts guide. In case we missed any controls, s'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir.

A propos de l'auteur

L'équipe éditoriale de Game N Guides est une équipe d'amateurs de jeux vidéo qui couvrent les communiqués de presse., annonces, mises à jour, et plus. Vous pouvez nous joindre via le formulaire de contact.