Débloquez un sanctuaire des profondeurs

Où et comment débloquer un sanctuaire des profondeurs dans Genshin Impact

Are you wondering where to find and how to Unlock a Shrine of Depths in Chapter 4 in Genshin Impact? You’re in luck as we are here to help you solve and unlock a shrine of depths.

Unlock a Shrine of Depths is one of the missions in Chapter 4. This is an investigation mission and it is required to claim the rewards for completing the chapter. Below is a video guide on how to complete it.

Unlock a Shrine of Depths Guide

Tout d'abord, you need to go and find the shrine near the road from Springvale and Dawn Winery. You will be using a Mondstadt Shrine of Depths Key to unlock the shrine. One of the best ways to get a key is by exploring the Eagle’s Gate.

Débloquez un sanctuaire des profondeurs

Once you already have the key, use it to unlock the shrine. After you unlock the shrine, you will found a Luxurious Chest containing lots of rewards such as Her’s Wit, Berserker’s Indigo Feather, Mystic Enhancement Ore, et plus. You will also be gaining +60 Adventure EXP for opening the Luxurious Chest.

Apart from the rewards from the chest, you will also obtain Martial Artist’s Banda and +100 Adventure EXP.

A propos de l'auteur

Earl fait partie de ces joueurs qui joueront à presque tous les nouveaux jeux. Mais il préfère jouer aux FPS et aux jeux en monde ouvert.