Frog’s Adventure Complete Walkthrough Guide

This is a guide to completing the game and finding all the coins. This walkthrough contains spoilers! If you want to find things out for yourself, don’t read it! That said, if you’re stuck on one part of the game and it’s frustrating you, this guide is for you.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 is very straightforward, so I won’t cover it in detail.

This chapter mainly serves to teach you some of the game’s basics: you can sometimes find seeds hidden in long grass, and pressing yellow buttons will make things happen.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 is still straightforward, but with the addition of rain, coins and beds. You also meet Duck here.

Fallen water droplets can be collected, and it’s a good idea to keep a droplet on you at all times.

Extinguishing fires with a water droplet will give you a coin.

Coins can be used to buy items later on.

You need 7 of them to complete the game, but there are 2 achievements that need much more.

There are beds in most houses, and you can use them to switch between nighttime and daytime.

Take the stick below Duck and the cloth in the cupboard in Duck’s house.

Craft them together to make an unlit torch.

Use the campfire to light the torch.

Use the lit torch to burn the rope.


[1] Extinguish the fire outside Duck’s house

Chapter 3

Now you have access to the whole town!

There are several NPCs here, but unfortunately none of them are frogs:

Bunny – Bunny weeds their garden during the day, but at night it’s free for you to plant seeds in.

To grow a seed, plant it in the hole, water it, then sleep and water it again in the morning. At this point the seed is ready to be picked.

Bird – Bird will show you something if you feed them 3 worms. You don’t need to worry about that yet. Bird and Fish live in the house to the right of the Old Tree, but you can only enter it at night.

Dog – Dog’s house is the stump in the middle of town.

Fish – Fish sells things in the shop during daytime

Fishing Fish – If you give this fish a worm, they will fish up a key for you.

Your goal is to fix the bridge in the bottom right of the town.

The first board is outside Bird’s house.

The second board is sold in Fish’s shop. You need 2 coins to buy it, which you can get by extinguishing the fires outside Duck’s house and inside Dog’s house.

For the third board you need to give a worm to the Fishing Fish so they give you a key.

Take the key to the gate next to Duck’s house, and use it to unlock the gate and reach the last board.

Use the boards on the broken bridge to fix it.


[1] In the pot in Dog’s house

[2] On top of Dog’s house

[3] At the wet patch in the top right. Sprinkle water on it to make the worm come out

[4] Behind Fish’s shop. Walk clockwise around it to reach the worm.


[1] Extinguish the fire in Dog’s house

[2] Grow the potato seed found here, and sell the potato to Fish

Chapter 4

After crossing the bridge, enter the teacup house and talk to Toad.

Before leaving, you also need to get the stick from the cupboard.

Next, feed three worms to Bird if you haven’t already. They will ask you to meet them in their home at night.

At night go into Bird’s house, climb up the ladder and look through the telescope.

In Fish’s part of the house, get the stick on the table.

Craft the two sticks together to make a ladder part.

Now go to the garden above Duck’s house where you got the board earlier.

Use the ladder part to fix the ladder.

Climb the ladder and go right to talk to the crow.

Climb the ladder again, and go up to Crow’s Forest.


[1] Pot outside Toad’s house

[2] Chest in Bird’s house. Only openable during daytime, so sleep in the house

[3] Onion seed near the top of the ladder. Grow it and sell the onion to Fish

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 takes place mostly in Crow’s Forest.

Use the lily seed to cross the water.

Go inside the birdhouse and read the book.



Get the lily seed in the grass to the right of Crow’s house

Travel to the island in the bottom left, past the orange.

Go up from the island to get another lily seed.

Use it to go left from the island, to the worm.

Golden Fly:

Go down from the cauldron, then right across the bottom of the area.

Catch and eat all the flies, then catch the golden fly afterwards. You can eat any leftover flies, they aren’t important.


Go left and down a bit from the cauldron, to the orange.

Push the orange down onto the geyser.

Go down from the cauldron, then left to the button to launch the orange near to the cauldron.

Push the orange right until you reach the hollowed-out tree stump.

Get the lily seed in the grass left of the stump, and plant it in the water to the right.

Cross the lily pad to the button.

Push the orange to the snail.

Once he lets you through, travel left along the top edge to get the leaf.

Put the ingredients into the cauldron, and collect five coins.

Go back to the town, and buy a bottle from Fish.

Go back to the cauldron and fill the bottle up from it.

Go to Toad’s house and give him the bottle of elixer.

After he gets up, talk to him so he teaches you how to sing, then sing to him so he gives you the Sing Slab.


[1] Cupboard in Crow’s house

[2] Extinguish fire to the bottom left of Crow’s Forest (near where you got the worm)

[3] Chest to the top right of Crow’s Forest

Chapter 6

Go to the top of the ladder to Crow’s Forest, then left to the blue block with a music note on it.

Sing at the note to make it disappear, and go left to get the egg.

Put the egg on top of Duck’s house, then talk to Duck.

Swim to the island on the bottom right of the map, and get the carrot seed.

Plant, grow and harvest the carrot.

Go into Dog’s house at night, and give him the carrot.

Leave and re-enter his house.

Open the chest by his bed, and take the button cap.

Go to Crow, then down a bit to the broken button.

Fix the button and press it, then pick up Apie (the stuffed animal).

If it isn’t nighttime, sleep until night.

Go to the top right of the town. Stand on the lily pad and sing to open the path right.

Swim through the log to Croc’s Forest.


[1] On lily pad in bottom left of town

[2] Grow carrot and give it to Dog (this coin is collected in every playthrough)

Chapter 7

If it isn’t nighttime, go back to town and sleep, then go back to Croc’s Forest.

Go to the top right and collect the firefly and the worm under the wet patch.

Go around the top edge of the area and push the boulder onto the button by Croc’s house.

Stand on the geyser so it launches you into the house.

Give Apie to Croc.

NOTE: If you go to Croc’s Forest during the day, he will be training, and singing will prompt you to sing a three-note song at him. It does not matter what song you play. I tried all 125 note combinations and nothing happened. Do not waste your time as I did.


[1] Chest in top right of Croc’s Forest

[2] Chest inside Croc’s house

[3] Get the lily seed in the middle top of Croc’s Forest and take it to the bottom left

Chapter 8

Green Sing Stone:

Climb to the top left of Croc’s Forest

Pink Sing Stone:

Go inside the cave in the far top right of the town

Blue Sing Stone:

Give a worm to the Fishing Fish on the island in the bottom right of the town.

Red Sing Stone:

This Sing Stone can only be found at night, because you need to break into the shop without being caught.

Go to the bottom left of the town and press this button.

Then go around to the right, and jump down this hole into the secret tunnel.

I have provided pictures because I was stuck for hours on this part, and it is the sole reason this walkthrough exists.

Once in the secret tunnel, push the boulder onto the button and stand on the geyser.

Open the chest with the Sing Stone in it.

Green Sing Stone:

Go back to the Froggy Forest you started in, behind a music block.

Now you have all five stones, go back to the Old Tree.

Using the Sing Slab on yourself will reveal the melody you need to sing:

Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Green.

Green appears twice because frogs are green.

The door will open, and you will finally be able to enter.

If you’re trying to get the King Frog, Rich Frog or So angry! achievements, don’t sing to the fairy yet, since it’s possible to lock yourself out of those achievements if you proceed. If this happens, you will need to start the game again from the options menu.

When you’re ready for the plot to culminate, sing to the fairy in the Old Tree.


[1] Pot in cave in top right of town

[2] Chest left from cave entrance (passing behind the Old tree)

[3] Chest on island in bottom right of town

[4] Lower left edge of the lake

[5] Extinguish fire in secret tunnel

(I forgot to get a screenshot of this one so here’s the entrance to the tunnel it’s in)

[6] Extinguish fire in Old Tree

Chapter 9

Sing at everyone in the town.

(Bird, Shop Fish, Fishing Fish, Toad, Dog, Bunny, Crow)

You can only sing to Dog during daytime, since he sleeps at night.

Then go back into the Old Tree and talk to the fairy again.

Chapter 10

Go back where to the lily pad in the froggy forest, one last time.

You need to go through the small log to get there.


You will get Bye Bye!, Repair Frog, Singing Frog, Sailing Frog, Apie Lover, Stone Melody, Home at Last and Awake Frog by following the main body of the walkthrough.

So angry!:

Try to buy the Sing Stone from the Fish when you don’t have enough money (which is always)

Alternatively, enter the shop by the secret tunnel during the daytime.

Rich Frog:

Collect all 20 coins in the game, using the screenshots earlier in the guide.

King Frog:

After stealing the Red Sing Stone, Fish will begin selling an old key for 12 coins.

Buy it from them and unlock the door inside the Old Tree.

Crazy Frog:

If you aren’t good at fast, precise mouse movements you might not be able to do this achievement. That said, it should be doable for most people.

Here are my tips for aspiring ribbiters:


Pick up water when you don’t have any.

Walk over Dog’s house when you can, it’s usually faster than going around it.

Get coins as you pass them, until you have enough to buy the bottle. After this, ignore all coins.

Ignore the potato and onion seeds, they aren’t worth the time. Don’t pick them up.

Chapter 1:

Don’t go to the fairy until you have the first two leaves.

Chapter 2:

Don’t go to the fairy until you have the lit torch.

Get the coin from the fire.

Chapter 3:

Get the board, then extinguish Dog’s fire and get the worm in his house, then get the key+boards.

Get the worm behind the shop now so you don’t have to waste time on it later.

Ignore the potato seed, do not pick it up. It’s not worth the time.

Chapter 5:

Get the worm/fly at the same time as pushing the orange.

e.g. in this order:

Push orange onto geyser.

Get the worm + campfire coin.

Push it off the cliff.

Get the golden fly.

Finish pushing the orange.

Also, on the way back from Crow’s Forest you can go down past Crow and Apie’s button instead of via the ladder.

Chapter 6:

After you get Duck, immediately go down to press the yellow button that opens the secret tunnel.

Chapter 7:

Chapter 8:

Get the Sing Stones in the order I put them in the walkthrough, going anticlockwise around the map.

Once you get the Pink Sing Stone in the cave, eat the firefly so you get kicked out of the cave.

Chapter 9:

Go to Fish/Bird’s house and talk to Fish, then sleep in the bed and talk to Bird outside.

Climb up the hill to get to Crow, instead of taking the ladder.

Video Walkthrough

This guide about Frog's Adventure was written by Blart Versenwald III. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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