Anime producer Kadokawa has announced that Tomoki Izumi’s Mieruko-chan, a horror-comedy manga series, is getting an anime adaptation this 2021. Along with the announcement, they also revealed the official website for the upcoming anime featuring the first visual and promotional video.
The staff for the anime adaptation of Mieruko-chan has also been revealed. Yuuki Ogawa will be directing the production, along with Kenta Ihara for the script and Chikashi Kadekaru as the chief animation director.
About Mieruko-chan
A normal girl was living a normal life until she wasn’t. One day, she could see… everything. What’s a girl to do when hideous monsters appear no matter which way she turns? And on top of that, nobody else can see them! Obviously, there’s only one thing that makes sense-ignore them. It kinda hard to put theory into practice, though, when the ghosts know she’s watching…