This guide will show you how to beat Rebirth in The Outlast Trials.
Basic Walkthrough
The mansion serves as a replica of the tutorial map, but with objectives reversed, marking a culmination of your acquired skills from the trials. It’s divided into five distinct objectives:
- Retrieving the boxes
- Acquiring the keys
- Tuning the frequencies
- Returning the reel
- Exiting the mansion
Feel free to explore the mansion at your own pace since there’s no time limit imposed.
Box Retrieval
Upon spawning into the level, you’ll find yourself in a room resembling this:
Your objective here is to return the boxes to their respective rooms, as you did in the tutorial. Each box awaits at the end of corridors beyond locked gates.
Ensure each box is returned to its designated corridor; attempting otherwise will prove futile.
Room 1:
Room 2:
Each room will be guarded by a formidable opponent, the big grunt. However, you can bypass them using a stun/blind rig or utilizing bricks and bottles scattered throughout the level.
Remember, alternative paths exist in the corridors to evade the big grunts, especially if you detect their presence nearby. Stealth and darkness are your allies.
Once both boxes are returned, proceed downstairs.
Key Acquisition
Descending the stairs, you’ll find yourself in an area resembling this:
Keep in mind the two key clues displayed on the televisions, as they’ll vary with each playthrough and won’t be visible on your overlay.
Turn around and pass through the doors and gate to enter the Courtyard section.
In the Courtyard, you’ll encounter only one adversary: the Night Hunter.
Given his night vision, either employ stealth tactics to evade detection (utilize noise indicator settings and crouch) or prepare stun/blind rigs or bricks and bottles. Bricks are plentifully scattered on the ground and near the pavilion walls.
The keys can be found on bodies scattered throughout the area beyond the gate.
Exercise caution, ensuring you search bodies with the correct symbols to avoid unpleasant electric shocks.
Once both keys are secured, return to the mansion and unlock the gates.
Frequency Tuning
With both gates unlocked, your next task is to tune the frequencies, found within the areas previously inaccessible due to the gates.
You’ll encounter three frequencies on the map that require adjustment, typically appearing in a 2-to-1 configuration across sectors. However, there’s a rare possibility of all spawning on one side.
Each sector contains one regular expop, easily managed with distractions like bottles, bricks, or stun/blind rigs. Consider luring them away before proceeding with your objectives.
Right Sector Exploration:
I suggest starting with the sector on your right (as you enter from the Courtyard) to locate transmitters while searching for the reel simultaneously.
Some less conspicuous spawn points include:
- The back of the kitchen (Right sector)
- Room immediately after the projector room (Left sector)
Upon finding all transmitters in the right sector, retrieve the reel if not already done, and exit through the previously barricaded kitchen door to access the hallway leading to the left sector.
Exercise caution, as the left sector may occasionally spawn an imposter after the projector room. Pay attention for the elevator prompt.
Reel Recovery
The reel is located in the sector on the right, as you enter from the Courtyard. If unsure, look for a barricaded door next to the gate or stairs.
Consider searching for the reel while locating transmitters in this sector. It’s easier to find as it’s exclusive to this sector. If struggling, try searching without night vision, as the reel is highlighted in darkness.
There are 14 possible reel spawns split across six rooms:
- Entry Room: 1 possible spawn
- Prayer Room: 2 possible spawns
- Room before Courtyard Corridor: 4 possible spawns
- Courtyard Corridor: 3 possible spawns
- Dining Room: 2 possible spawns
- Kitchen: 2 possible spawns
Once the reel is obtained and frequencies adjusted, exit through the barricaded kitchen door or the hallway.
Enter the opposite sector, noting the presence of an expop, and insert the reel into the projector.
Be alert, as an imposter may occasionally spawn after entering the room post-projector. Listen for the elevator prompt.
Once you’ve completed adjusting the reels and signals, it’s time to depart from the mansion.
Exit through the now-opened double doors and proceed straight outside.
Upon reaching the shuttles, turn right and locate this door.
Enter through the door and ascend the ledge. Follow the straightforward path, ensuring your stamina is replenished before descending this ledge.
Prepare for pursuit by a prime asset as you proceed along the corridor.
After navigating the corridor, open the door—it’s time for your rebirth.