Simple guide on how to beat the game!
Getting the 1,000,000 eggs
This game lets you input multiple clicks per second so the solution to more eggs is more ways to click. Simply acquire more computer mice! This can most easily be done by looking at electronic recycling places, thrift stores, dollar stores and in dumpsters. After gathering as many mice as possible align the cursor to the egg and set up the mice in a way where you can click as many at once at possible. This is best done by putting a mouse under each finger and toe. I’d also recommend getting even more mice and some USB splitters to have an “egg click party” with as many friends and family as you can to help you with getting to 1,000,000 eggs. After a few click parties you’ll be at 1,000,000 eggs before you know it! Do keep in mind that when you close the game, it resets your egg count to zero so make sure to leave the game open and your computer on until you reach the final egg.