The easiest way to get the charm in the game.
Getting to Howling Cliffs
First you must go down into queens gardens and find mantis claw (this is nessesary)
Then you will want to go to kings pass where you started continue left you will find a geo rock jump and you will find a bit of parkuor after that you will be in howling cliffs.
Getting to Joni’s Repose
Continue down for a wile and you will find cornifer get the map and then continue right from there you will do some more jumps and find alot of vengflys after that there will be more and more lifeblood flowers keep going and in the next room there will be a bunch of butterflys keep going down.
Getting the Charm
After falling you will find a corpse you will se a glowing thing on them then inspect it now you have the charm you will see a ghost who will say some garbage and you can dream nail it for essence.
Charm Overview
The charm turns all your masks to lifeblood not the best but I increases all your masks by 40ish when paired with hiveblood you can have alot of health.