How to Reached Over x4.0 Tactical Bonus in The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki

The goal of this guide is to explain all Tactical Bonuses in detail and offer tips and tricks to easily obtain a high multiplier.


Tactical Bonuses are experience multipliers that can be achieved after performing certain actions during both Field and Command Battles. There are in-game achievements and rewards tied to obtaining a x3.0, x4.0, and x5.0 multiplier. These rewards are 500 Sepith Mass, a Carbuncle Quartz and two Zeram Capsules, respectively.

The x4.0 multiplier offers the best reward: a Carbuncle Quartz. While the Quartz itself is decent (20% chance to absorb damage dealt by Arts), its main utility is making the ‘Arc Feather’ Shard Skill easily accesible thanks to its 5 Mirage elemental value.
This skill will greatly improve the performance of your casters, dealing 7 extra hits after casting an offensive Art and having a chance to Delay all the enemies it hits. Feri is one of its best users early on as her Orbment has an exclusive Mirage slot to double its value.

First, let’s go over all the Tactical Bonuses available.

List of Tactical Bonuses

Note that unlike previous Trails games, these bonuses don’t stack and you can only receive each bonus once! I’m also using a literal translation of their Japanese names, they might differ once the game is localized.

Here are some extra notes I couldn’t include in the image:

  • Even though there are two different versions of No Damage and Switcher, they don’t stack. Focus on the Field versions since they’re easier to obtain.
    In the same manner, only the higher of Super/Hyper Chain counts.
  • No Damage (Command) doesn’t take into account the damage dealt to Shields like Cobalt Courtain, it only checks the character’s actual HP.
  • Switcher (Command) is only available once you have more than 4 active party members.
  • Revenger can be set up beforehand by letting enemies hit you in Field Battles until the party is at critical HP. A different battle theme will play during this pinch state.
  • Canceller is highly situational because the enemy needs to be able to use Arts to begin with. You should ignore this one most of the time.
  • Triple Stun is very tricky to get since it only counts the stuns inflicted during Command Battles. Technically you could prepare the enemies’ stun gauge during the Field Battle but it’s not worth the trouble in my opinion.

Next, this is the location I recommend to get this achievement.

Recommended Location

There’s a room with 7 enemies during the second visit to the Seaside Cave in Chapter 2 that has a giant fish, three big crabs and three weaker, smaller crabs. It’s the perfect place to achieve a high Tactical Bonus!
Of course, this isn’t the only area where this can be done but I’d say it’s a pretty good spot to get the Carbuncle Quartz early.

It’s possible to obtain a x4.0 multiplier before this point of the story and even during Chapter 1 as well, but it will be more difficult as you don’t have a full party and your options for Quartz and Arts Drivers are more limited at that point.

Then, here’s a quick demonstration on how to easily obtain a x4.0 Tactical Bonus multiplier.

Video Demonstration

Go to 1:00 of the video:

Field Battle

  1. Run around to draw the attention of every enemy and group as many as you can. Ideally all seven become aggessive.
  2. Target the big fish and start building its Stun gauge. You should aim for all four Tactical Bonuses available —Just Dodge, Charge Attacker, Switcher and No Damage—. Although the last one is the harder bonus to get, pay attention to the other enemies and don’t overextend to be ready to dodge.

Command Battle

  1. Van can act several turns in a row thanks to his ‘Howling Spirit’ Craft, making Seven Rush easier to obtain. Afterwards, position Van and use ‘Stun Slash’ or ‘Aerial Buster’, preferably the former due to its decent range, to get Excel Craft. Be mindful of Van’s CP in case you want to use his S-Craft later on.
  2. Aerial Dust is one of the best Arts to increase the combo counter, dealing up to 10 hits per enemy. Both Agnès and Feri should cast it, targetting different groups of enemies to chip them down. All crabs are also weak to Wind so you can get Weak Maker.
  3. Aaron’s Hundred Flower Slash has a chance to Delay all the enemies it hits, so it’s easier for the party to act consecutively.
  4. If you don’t have Seven Rush yet, keep acting until you see NEXT under an enemy. Remember that you can steal an enemy’s turn with an S-Break (RT + D-pad).
  5. An S-Craft at this point should net you Around Kill.
  6. Congrats, you now have an exact x4.0 multiplier!

And finally, these are some tips that can help you obtain a high multiplier.


  1. Remember to check the turn order with LT and plan your actions accordingly!
  2. In the Tactics menu you can set characters to converge around the leader and focus on the same target during Field Battles. Once the Command Battle starts, the other party members will be close for an easier SCLM Support/Chain activation.
  3. My Van has the ‘Fatal Lancer’ Shard Skill equipped so he will automatically finish off the remaining weakened enemies. Assuming some enemies survive after the S-Craft, you can take advantage of the situation and use 3 items for Item Lover.
  4. Likewise, you can start the battle at critical HP to gain the points from Revenger in case you can’t get some other bonus, like Around Kill.
  5. Equip Van and Aaron with ‘Impede’ Quartz so their attacks have a small chance to inflict Delay. In addition, equip Feri and Agnès with a ‘Cast’ Quartz to slightly reduce their casting time. A ‘Wind Spirit’s Verse’ Quartz could be useful to reduce their Delay after casting Aerial Dust in case you need the extra turns.
  6. Since you’re grouping so many enemies together, it’s also the perfect opportunity to obtain the achievements tied to dealing a certain amounts of hits and defeating several enemies at once!
This guide about The Legend of Heroes: Kuro no Kiseki was written by ZekeBel. You can visit the original publication from this link. If you have any concerns about this guide, please don't hesitate to reach us here.

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