Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure

Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Developer and publisher Snowcastle Games’ newest exploration-adventure game, Ikonei Island, has finally been released. While the game was still in early access on PC, many players had already started their journey to play the game, including the console version.

With the fun and adventure that Ikonei Island has been offering, it’s not surprising to see why players have been leaving positive feedback about the game. This guide aims to help players get familiar with the Ikonei Island controls, as we believe that having basic knowledge is an advantage.

Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure Controls

To start off this guide, here are the default Ikonei Island key bindings. You change these default controls by going to the Controls Options of the game.

Toggle RunLeft Shift
Summon CompanionTab
Cycle Companions RightLeft Alt
Cycle Companions LeftLeft Ctrl
Select Item Slot 11
Select Item Slot 22
Select Item Slot 33
Select Item Slot 44
Select Item Slot 55
Select Item Slot 66
Select Item Slot 77
Select Item Slot 88
Cycle Item Slots LeftLeft Arrow / Mouse Wheel Axis
Cycle Item Slots RightRight Arrow / Mouse Wheel Axis
Cycle Item Bar UpMiddle Mouse button
Cycle Item Bar Down
Interact / PossessLeft Mouse Button / E
Tool – ComboRight Mouse Button / X
Enter Place ModeQ
Pick UpF / Left Mouse Button
Hold to SkipSpacebar
Open MapM
Open SettingsEsc
Open InventorySpacebar / I
Open AchievementsY
Open Quest LogL
Navigate UpW
Navigate DownS
Navigate LeftA
Navigate RightD
Tab Left
Tab Right
Tab UpUp Arrow
Tab DownDown Arrow
Confirm / SelectE / Spacebar
CancelEsc / Backspace
Add One Item to SlotF
Move Half of ItemsQ
Close MenuC / L
Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure Controls

As you can see in the controls list above, there are several functions that don’t have default key bindings. We recommend that you set your desired keys to these functions if you’re planning to use them.

Apart from the mouse and keyboard support, the developer of the game has also confirmed that Ikonei Island has full controller support. This means that you will not have any major controller issues if you’re planning to play the game with a gamepad controller. In case you experience some controller issues, we recommend that you check our Ikonei Island controller troubleshooting guide.

Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure

For the gamepad controls, you can refer to the details below. These controls are also the default controls for the Xbox and PlayStation versions of the game.

Toggle RunL3
Summon CompanionD-Pad Down
Cycle Companions RightD-Pad Right
Cycle Companions LeftD-Pad Left
Cycle Item Slots LeftLB
Cycle Item Slots RightRB
Cycle Item Bar UpRT
Cycle Item Bar DownLT
Interact / PossessA
Tool – ComboB
Enter Place ModeY
Pick UpX
Hold to SkipMenu Button
Open MapD-Pad Up
Open SettingsView Button
Open InventoryMenu Button
Open Achievements
Open Quest Log
Navigate UpD-Pad Up
Navigate DownD-Pad Down
Navigate LeftD-Pad Left
Navigate RightD-Pad Right
Tab LeftLB
Tab RightRB
Tab UpLT
Tab DownRT
Confirm / SelectA
Add One Item to SlotY
Move Half of ItemsX
Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure Controls

This concludes our Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure controls guide. In case we missed any key controls of the game, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

About the author

Editorial Staff at Game N Guides is a team of video game lovers covering press releases, announcements, updates, and more. You can reach us using the contact form.