Angry Birds Tennis

Rovio’s Angry Birds Tennis Now in Soft-Launch in the US

Angry Birds maker, Rovio Entertainment, has soft-launch a brand new game called Angry Birds Tennis that will soon arrive on both iOS and Android devices.

Al momento della scrittura, Angry Birds Tennis will be available for beta testing on iOS devices in the United States and Mexico. Angry Birds fans who are not part of the country will have to wait until Rovio globally released it.

Angry Birds Tennis

Angry Birds Tennis is a free-to-play game that features a multiplayer PvP tennis match. The game will also feature several game modes and different playable characters.

According to Pocket Gamer, Angry Birds Tennis will only be available for a limited time, which has been confirmed by the developer. Per quanto riguarda la data di uscita, Rovio Entertainment hasn’t revealed the global release of the game.

Circa l'autore

Amber è una giovane autrice autopubblicata con la possibilità di scrivere contenuti relativi ai giochi. Quando non scrive o non studia, gioca al suo gioco preferito, Super Mario.