Black Clover Asta Devil Union

Black Clover Reveals Asta’s Full Devil Union Form and Showcased Its Power

One of the most anticipated manga chapters of Black Clover has finally arrived. Author Yuki Tabata has officially released the Black Clover Chapter 282 featuring the full appearance of Asta’s first Devil Union form. Along with this reveal, Black Clover manga also showcased the power of this new form of Asta.

Nel capitolo 282 di trifoglio nero, il manga mostra come Asta e Liebe hanno fermato il furioso demone gigante che invadeva il Regno dei Trifogli. Il capitolo vede anche i civili e altri cavalieri magici testimoniare quanto sia diventata potente Asta dopo l'addestramento sotto la supervisione di Nacht., the vice-captain of Black Bull Squad.

Mentre i nemici del Regno di Spade sono fiduciosi che il demone che attacca il Regno dei Trifogli sia inarrestabile, Yuno è anche fiducioso che qualcuno difenderà la loro casa. Si scopre che si riferiva al suo amico, Stare, che ha già raggiunto un nuovo livello di potere.

The manga features how Asta combined his power with Liebe and how they stopped the incoming attack of the gigantic demon in front of them. Thanks to the anti-magic power that they possessed and they were able to easily deflect the enemy attack.

During Asta’s appearance in his Devil Union form, the civilians are worried that a new devil has appeared. But the other civilians revealed that it was Asta and he will stop the enemy. The other Magic Knights were also seen cheering for Asta.

Upon stopping the devil’s attack, Asta shouts that he will protect the country together with a Devil (referring to Liebe). Asta launched an attack and he was seen slashing the demons into pieces. Right after defeating the gigantic demon attack the Kingdom, Asta decides to proceed to the Spade Kingdom and helped his friends and fellow countrymen.

What do you think of this new Black Clover manga chapter? Make sure to share your opinion by leaving a comment below. You can read the latest Black Clover manga from the official manga distributors such as Cioè e Manga Altro.

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.