Fortbyte di Fortnite #22 Posizione: Accessibile utilizzando Rox Spray in una guida sottopassaggio

Where is Fortbyte 22 in Fortnite? Similar to the previous Sfida Fortbyte 92, Sfida Fortbyte 22 will require you to use some item before actually finding the missing chip that will complete the puzzle.

The location of the chip for the Sfida Fortbyte 22 is a little bit tricky as this place isn’t the most common place that players have been visiting in Fortnite. But now, it just received a spot as the chip is hiding somewhere in Neo Tilted. Quindi, senza ulteriori indugi, let’s head to Fortbyte 22 Posizione.

Accessible By Using Rox Spray in an Underpass Location Guide

Sfida Fortbyte #22 is called Accessible By Using Rox Spray in an Underpass and by simply looking on its name, we can already tell that the chip is located in an underpass. But where exactly is the underpass?

Fortnite Rox Spray Tier 6

First thing first, players need to unlock and equip Rox spray from Tier 6. Once you’re ready, head out and find the truck in the underpass located at the south west of Neo Tilted.

Accessible By Using Rox Spray in an Underpass

You can immediately see the floating chip on the left side bumper of the truck but before actually collecting it, you need to use the Rox spray that you acquired from Tier 6. Use the spray on the floor and Fortbyte #22 chip will be available to collect.

And that’s how to complete Fortbyte Challenge #22. If you haven’t completed the rest of these Fortbyte challenges, assicurati di controllare il nostro Guida di Fortnite directory.

Circa l'autore

Earl è uno di quei giocatori che giocheranno a quasi tutti i nuovi giochi. Ma preferisce di più giocare a FPS e giochi open world.