Eredità di Hogwarts – Come completare facilmente la Collector's Edition

Prima di tutto, I am not the creator of this helpful mod. Anche, it is not a cheat to use it.

Iniziare, download LegilimensThe Hogwarts Legacy Collectible Finder using this link:

Prossimo, extract the downloaded files. You should end up with a folder containing, collectibles.json, and the readme/license.

You will also need to download and install Python 3 using this link:

Once you have downloaded and installed Python, you need to find your save file.

Prossimo, either drag your .sav file onto or run the script with Python. Use the following command: “<sentiero>/<a>/” “<sentiero>/<a>/<tuo>/<Salva>/<file>.sav”.

In alternativa, you can run Python “<sentiero>/<a>/legilimens.pyand input the path to your .save file when prompted.

A window should pop up and display what you are missing and the areas where you can find them. I just did this and completed the last conjuration I needed.

Buona fortuna, fellow achievement hunters!

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