Un pezzo

Capitolo di un pezzo 983 Spoiler, Data di rilascio: Momonosuke è in pericolo

It was indeed another epic week for One Piece fans as Eiichiro Oda just dropped another manga chapter this week. Dopo l'uscita del cap 982, fans can no longer wait to read One Piece Chapter 983. Apart from the cliffhanger scene in the last spread of Chapter 982, One Piece enthusiast also wants to see more of Momonosuke after being brought by Kanjuro to Orochi.

In questa guida manga, we will be sharing you all the details that we know about the upcoming One Piece Chapter 983. Note that this post contains spoilers from the previous chapter and may also include some spoilers for the next chapter.

Capitolo di un pezzo 983 Data di rilascio

The One Piece manga author usually announce if the series will be put in hiatus. per fortuna, it seems that there will be no break next week as the last spread of the previous chapter did not say anything.

If things go smoothly for Luffy and the manga series, expect to see and read One Piece Chapter 983 la domenica,  Giugno 21, 2020. The spoilers and raw scans of the chapter are usually being leaked ahead of its release date, so if you want to read the upcoming chapter before it releases, make sure to bookmark our page and come back later.

Read One Piece Manga Chapter 983 in linea

You can read One Piece Chapter 983 from the official distributor such as Manga Plus by Shueisha and Viz Media. Note that these sources are also offering free access to the latest three manga chapter of the series.

Capitolo di un pezzo 983 Spoiler e previsioni

The previous chapter showcased the current status of the Kozuki Momonosuke. Nel precedente capitolo di One Piece, we have seen that Luffy arrives earlier at Onigashima that Kanjuro.

The traitor still doesn’t have any idea about this. On his arrival, Kanjuro brought Momonosuke to Orochi and told the shogun that they failed to stop the samurais. Shogun Orochi got mad and scared, e allo stesso tempo, he grabbed the unconscious Kozuki. Orochi also ordered to prepare the stage for the crucifixion of Momonosuke.

Nel frattempo, Capitolo 982 also sets up a fight between Luffy against Ulti and Page One. We already got a hint on how strong Page One is, but as for Ulti, it seems that the next chapter will show her power. There’s a chance that Luffy will fight any of the two enemies. Knowing that Luffy is not alone on that area, there’s also a chance that Zoro or any of the Kid Pirates will join him beat the members of the Beast PiratesFlying Six.

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.