Pokemon GO Jessie and James

Pokemon GO Data Mine Leaks Jessie and James NPC of Team Rocket

Developer Niantic has started to roll out the newest Pokemon GO update 0.175.0 bringing new NPC, Pokèmon, e altro ancora.

According to the recent data mine, the latest Pokemon GO update will be adding the two most popular characters in Pokemon anime to the game. Prepare for trouble, and make it double, as the Team Rocket’s member Jessie and James are coming to the game.

In Pokémon GO, Jessie and James are both NPC. They will be doing similar things just like what grunts and their leaders are doing which means that players will be able to battle against the two new NPCs. Al momento della scrittura, Niantic is yet to introduce Jessie and James in Pokemon GO. Let’s see how it goes.

A parte quello, the data mine also suggests that new Pokemon from Generation VIII will be introduced, Professor NPC might be added, and the addition of more Galarian Pokemon. There is still no exact date when these new features and contents will be live in Pokemon GO. But since they are now found in the game’s data files, it will surely be an epic and amazing weeks and months for Pokemon GO players.

Circa l'autore

Un ambizioso ingegnere elettronico in divenire. Di solito puoi trovarla in biblioteca o in camera da letto mentre gioca al suo gioco preferito Pokemon Sole e Luna. Attualmente vive in Giappone per il suo stage.