Pokemon GO PokeStop and Gym Submission Disabled Just Before The New Year’s Eve

Due to the overwhelming response from the Pokemon GO community, Niantic has decided to temporarily disable the PokeStop and Gym submission in Pokemon GO. This unexpected revocation of the feature was done to avoid stability issues.

Just a few weeks ago, Pokemon GO developer, Niantic, has activated the feature to allow players to submit and suggest potential PokeStop and Gym in Pokemon GO mobile game. This feature is one of the most requested features from many fans, especially for those who are living in rural areas.

Al momento della scrittura, Niantic did not confirm when will be the return of PokeStop submission. Are you satisfied with this update from the developer? Fateci sapere cosa ne pensate lasciando un commento qui sotto.

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Un ambizioso ingegnere elettronico in divenire. Di solito puoi trovarla in biblioteca o in camera da letto mentre gioca al suo gioco preferito Pokemon Sole e Luna. Attualmente vive in Giappone per il suo stage.