Fanteria dello spazio: Comando terrestre

Fanteria dello spazio: Comandi e scorciatoie dei comandi terrestri

Developer The Artistocrats has officially released the Starship Troopers: Comando terrestre, an RTS video game set in the Starship Troopers movies universe. Just like what we have seen in the movies, you will be facing a lot of monsters in this game. With the threats that you’re about to encounter, you should get yourself familiar with the game’s basics. This page will cover all of the important Starship Troopers: Terran Command controls to help you in beating the game.

Fanteria dello spazio: Terran Command Controls

Sotto, you will find the detailed Starship Troopers: Terran Command key bindings and shortcuts. These default controls can be remapped by going to the Controls section in the settings menu of the game.

Option PanelF10
Salvataggio veloceF5
Caricamento rapidoF8
Select Next UnitPagina giù
Select Previous UnitPagina su
Next Focused UnitScheda
Previous Focused UnitNessuno
Jump to Notification PingSpazio
Fai uno screenshotStampa
IngrandireTastierino numerico +
Zoom indietroTastierino numerico –
Ripristina fotocameraTastierino numerico 0
ScrollingTasti freccia
Unit Action GridQWERTYU
Fanteria dello spazio: Terran Command Controls

With all the listed Starship Troopers: Terran Commands above, you’re now ready to take any monsters in the game. Make sure that you plan your strategy to dominate every mission in Starship Troopers. Buona fortuna, soldato!

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