I sette peccati capitali

I sette peccati capitali: Episodio L'Ira degli Dei 9 Data di rilascio; Dove guardare online?

Il precedente episodio just dropped, and fans should now be ready for La stagione dei sette peccati capitali 4 Episodio 9 data aerea. Continue reading our The Seven Deadly Sins episode guide below to learn more about its release timeframe.

The development of the main characters in this season continues as Episode 8 highlights the flashback story of Gowther. The end of the chapter is all about acceptance of the painful reality that will surely become the strength of the character. What do you think will happen next in The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of the Gods?

When is the Nanatsu no Taizai: Episodio Kamigami no Gekirin 9 data di rilascio?

I sette peccati capitali

The fourth season of the anime titled The Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath of the Gods is releasing new episodes every Wednesday, which only means that anime fans will be able to see Meliodas and the Seven Deadly Sins returning on December 4th.

Similar to the previous episode, the upcoming Nanatsu no Taizai: Episodio Kamigami no Gekirin 9 will have an approximate duration of 24 minutes that will be televised in Japan at 17:55 (JST).

For fans in the west or any other parts of the world, La stagione dei sette peccati capitali 4 Episodio 9 will shortly become available on your favorite streaming websites. We will be updating this post later for the Episode 9 synopsis.

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.