Usurpatore: Soulbound

Usurpatore: Soulbound PC Keyboard and Gamepad Controls

Usurpatore: Soulbound is a rogue-lite RPG game developed and published by Caspian Interactive. If you’re planning to experience this action game, here are the default Usurper: Soulbound controls to help you get started.

You can change these default Usurper: Soulbound keybindings by going to clicking Settings Menu > Inputs tab.

Usurpatore: Soulbound Controls

These are the default Userper: Souldbound controls using the keyboard and mouse:

Apri MenùEsc
Sono partitiUN
Attacco leggeroTasto sinistro del mouse
Attacco pesantePulsante destro del mouse
SchivareBarra spaziatrice
BloccareTasto maiuscolo di sinistra
ParareCtrl sinistro
Stordire / UsurpPulsante centrale del mouse
Arma foderov
Cambia armaR
Focus on TargetSinistra Alt
Cambia obiettivoE or Q
Lanciare un incantesimoG
Navigate SpellsLeft Arrow or Right Arrow
Usurpatore: Soulbound Controls

And for players who are planning to use a gamepad controller, here are the default bindings that you should remember:

MinimappaD-Pad giù
Apri MenùPulsante Menù
MovimentoLevetta sinistra
Attacco leggeroRB
Attacco pesanteRT
Stordire / UsurpY
Arma foderoL3
Cambia armaD-Pad Su
InventarioPulsante Visualizza
Focus on TargetR3
Cambia obiettivoRight Stick Left or Right
Lanciare un incantesimoX
Navigate SpellsD-Pad Left or Right
Usurpatore: Soulbound Gamepad Controls

Puoi anche fare riferimento allo screenshot dei controlli di gioco qui sotto.

And that’s everything you need to know about Usurper: Soulbound controls. Let us know in the comments if we missed any controls for the game.

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