

Struggling to find that one fish? Take a look at this little guide!


そう, i am stuck at 99% so instead of cycling through the days to get that sweet sweet 100%, I thought I might as well make a little guide to help others!

Just like in my Kynseed Fishing Guide, I’m going to add some more information as I’m playing.

I’m planning to add the following information:

  • General advice and hints
  • 魚, fishing difficulty and fishing locations



  • You can buy new bobbers and bait at William’s shop. The fast bobber one is the best one you can buy in my opinion.
  • Different locations and different weather influences what fish you can catch
  • I noticed I got a lot more fish on rainy days, might be good days for little fishing trips with Sam!
  • You need different fish for different recipes, so try to catch a variety of fish
  • There are three visiting NPC’s who will challenge you at fishing at the beach, beat them all and you will receive the second fishing pole upgrade and a new type of bobber!
  • There is a shack on the beach but I haven’t figured out yet what to do with it or how to trigger the eventif I do, I’ll let you know!


困難 位置
Kelp 農場
イカ 🔵
Bullfrog 🔵
🔵 農場, 山
カニ 🔵 沼地
Fish King 🟠 Mountains but only spawns thanks to a certain quest and during misty days.
フグ 🟣 沼地
Eel 🟣
エビ 🔵 農場
タコ 🟣
ロブスター 🟣
カメ 🟠
Bass 沼地
Toy Seagull
Toilet paper
マグロ 🔵
Crucian Sea or Swamp
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